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ELIX in partnership with Sky School is offering social entrepreneurship courses in Athens, Greece for young refugee and migrant learners.

Sky School, a new education initiative for refugee youth, aims to become the first international high school for displaced youth and refugees who have limited access to education because of conflict. It aspires to design a high school diploma program, based on online lessons and on-the-ground learning, which will be internationally recognized and founded on an international curriculum, inspired by the prestigious International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP).

Recognizing that refugees will be required to be entrepreneurial, creative, and even to help rebuild their communities and countries in the future, Sky School courses include a changemaker social entrepreneurship program.

From November to December 2017, Sky School offered the six-week pilot course “Social Entrepreneurship. How to Become a Change Maker” in three Sky School Hubs in Amman, Jordan, Athens, Greece and Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya. This course, based on a blended learning model, combines online learning and in person leaning in the Sky School Hubs.

ELIX supported the pilot program of the Sky School Hub by providing infrastructure services in Athens and coordinating the Sky School Hub activities.

All participants received a certificate in social entrepreneurship from Sky School, in partnership with UWC South East Asia, an international school in Singapore, and gained verbal and written communication skills in English language, leadership skills, collaboration skills, creativity, innovation, problem-solving, presentation skills and IT skills.

All students who took part in this pilot course will be able to continue studying for the full diploma program, which will be rolled out from autumn 2018 and supported by ELIX in Athens, Greece.

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