ELIX, supported by UNICEF and funded by the European Commission (DG ECHO), began in October 2017 the implementation of an educational program for refugee and immigrant children, aged 3-17, and their parents in Attica.
The aim of this project is to provide non-formal education and homework support to refugees and migrants children, as well as their parents, in order to contribute to their smooth integration into the formal education system through innovative educational methods.
The project is designed to provide day-to-day coverage of the educational needs of children aged 3-17 and daily homework support for children aged 6-15.
The project is being implemented in: Refugee Camps, the Education Centre of ELIX in Patison Str, as well as in Primary Schools of the Municipality of Athens, the 51st (Akominatou 40) and the 99th School (Igias 11), where the programme is being implemented in the framework of "Athens Open Schools" Project with founding donor the Stavros Niarchos Foundation.
Funded by European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid |