A preparatory course to enter the Labour Market, for refugees and migrants, aged 16-30 years old.
Young refugees fleeing conflict in their home country, whether alone or with families, encounter unique and formidable challenges to starting over in a new place.
Unlike their elders, youth refugees have suffered profound upheaval during one of life’s most sensitive and transformative periods – youth and young adulthood.
The program lends an exceptional capacity for recovery, while making it critical that they receive adequate support and services as they continue to mature.
Young refugees face a profound set of challenges –discrimination, mobility restrictions, unstable living conditions, cultural miscommunication, social and cultural expectations, financial instability, and many others.
Since young refugees have spent some of their formative years in a state of disruption, their ability to develop key aspects of personal identity and ability may have been impacted.
Nevertheless, youth refugees want and deserve what other youth want – the chance to build lives that are safe and fulfilling, and include opportunities to learn, grow and build relationships.
This course is aiming at addressing the need to prepare young refugees and migrants who reside in Greece for their successful “Entrance to the Labour Market”, especially for those of them that have attended ELIX educational programme (Learning for Integration).
The course "Job Readiness-For their successful Entrance in the Labour Market" will be held in the “p^2 multispace” in the centre of Athens, in morning and evening shifts, and will be delivered in Greek or English depending on the groups needs and composition.
During this course, ELIX is going to offer a web of activities and training that provides the necessary knowledge and skills to become more familiar on issues related to the labour market and more specifically to be able to carry out tasks such as CV writing, job searching, job maintaining and performance and job interview readiness.
In addition, a series of “Ask a Professional” sessions will provide with motives and inspirations about professions that young people could follow. The sessions invite different professionals such as photographer, lawyer, footballer, film director, criminologist, artist that will inform about their work, the challenges they have faced, as well as their achievements, with the purpose of motivating young people to pursuit their dream job, empowering their skills and opening up a path for their entrance in the labour market.
Additionally, the course provides a wider set of activities, workshops and visits that aim at the holistic empowerment of the beneficiaries according to their personal development and their potentials.
The “Get Ready for Your Future” programme will be completed in three (3) independent cycles with 100 hours of follow-up each, at mid-2020. Each cycle has three (3) different groups.
100 hours of job readiness training (80h) and basic IT skills training (20h).
The project’s aim is to offer this course to 180 young refugees and migrants.
Participation is free of charge for all participants. All participants who manage to successfully complete the course receive a Certificate of Attendance.