Aiming to offer a quality non-formal education programme to children, refugees and migrants, ELIX was invited to respond to the new conditions that formed in Lesvos after the catastrophic fires in Moria.
With the valuable support of UNICEF, with which we have been working together since 2016, a team of educators and supportive staff settled in Mytilene and started creating classes in the new temporary Reception and Identification Center.
The program is largely based on the educational content and methodologies of the program "Learning for Integration: Quality learning and non-formal education for children and adults, refugees and migrants, in Greece", which we have been implementing in different cycles continuously, since the summer of 2016.
3.000 children who will participate in the program, aged 3-17 years, will attend Greek, English and science courses (mathematics, etc.) and will be socialized through recreational activities designed with according to the needs of these children, but also to the conditions on the field.
A key role in the successful implementation of the program is played by teachers from the refugee and migrant communities who form a relationship of trust between teachers and children, as well as with their families.
The aim is to promote mother tongues and empower teachers from their communities to strengthen their role in the future.
ELIX already cooperates closely with local organizations for the interconnection and referral procedures, as well as for the provision of lessons in the mother tongues of the children and looks forward to the harmonious relationship with the local community.
As part of this emergency response, ELIX team on the island will distribute self-teaching material and train 1.500 parents respectively to support their children in this process.