Information Centre

“YOUth Exchanges for Diversity - #YEs4Diversity” is the title of the new project proposed by ELIX that will be implemented over 2018-2019 and will include two Youth Exchanges, and preparatory meetings (APVs).

The project is designed to provide an open space for more than 60 young people to participate and engage in the planned activities.

This project proposal is the result of the increasing demand by young people actively involved in our organisations and mainly in ELIX, for the development of quality educational activities supporting and promoting intercultural awareness, recognition of the value of diversity and understanding of the importance and meaning of peaceful societies.

The “YOUth Exchanges for Diversity - #YEs4Diversity” will be integral part of the Raising Peace Campaign coordinated by CCIVS and supported by the Council of Europe that aims to promote human rights in the International Voluntary Service (IVS) movement.

Methodology:greece INEDIVIM logo
Non-formal education will be at the core of the activities: simulations, interactive sessions, peer-topeer work, reflection and focus groups, outdoor activities, field visits, common actions with local communities.

Peace and human rights education: educational manuals and tools promoting human rights, such as COMPASS, will be introduced and young people will have the chance to explore them in practice. Intercultural learning: educational manual and activities from the All Equal All Different will be introduced during the activities,
It is planned to allocate most of the time to explore in details each step of the intercultural learning process.

Aim and objectives:
The project “YOUth Exchanges for Diversity - #YEs4Diversity” aims to promote intercultural awareness and diversity, while supporting the development of young people as global citizens, through the creation of a safe space for interaction.

More specifically, the objectives of the project are:

  • to develop a common understanding about the importance of peaceful societies and the promotion of human rights;
  • to increase participants knowledge about topics such as diversity, social inclusion and intercultural awareness;
  • to develop their ability to explore, understand and multiply the positive impact of interculturality;
  • to develop participants’ communication skills and self-confidence;
  • to develop basic facilitation skills on intercultural learning and human rights education;
  • to experience active citizenship and facilitate young people’s interest in current European and global
  • to experience interaction with local communities, namely in Corfu and Athens, through the exchange of experiences, lifestyles, motivations and interests;
  • to explore possible methods to enable diverse groups to be more effective in working together and spreading richness of diversity;
  • to strengthen cooperation between participating organisations and develop future joint activities on the topic of the project;
  • to develop young participants’ commitment through the development of future actions and active engagement in existing campaigns and practices such as the Raising Peace Campaign.

Main activities of the project:

YOUth Exchanges for Diversity and Migration:
The activity will provide the opportunity for young people to experience diversity and interculturality within the frame of a big city. Young people will meet with other youngsters with migrant background, and reflect together on what diversity means in a big city. Through non-formal education and peer-to-peer approaches young people will build confidence on interacting with people from background different from theirs.

YOUth Exchanges for Diversity and Social Inclusion:
The Youth Exchange will be implemented in cooperation with our local partner “Wilde Rose” – a center for social inclusion. Young people will get to know about the work of Wilde Rose and ELIX, identify good practices on social inclusion, jointly develop cultural activities together with local community, share, exchange and develop their understanding about diversity and social inclusion.

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