During summer 2018, Achar participated in an ELIX workcamp, as a European Voluntary Service (EVS) volunteer through the project "V.I.P. - Volunteering is Possible" with the financial support of the Erasmus+ Programme funded by the European Commission.
“My name is Achar and I took part in a volunteer workcamp in Greece in July 2018 with ELIX.
Before participating in the project, I was a secondary school student. It was my first workcamp and I wanted to leave this experience to have the opportunity to live with other young people, to participate in the tasks of group life, to travel during the summer and to discover new cultures. I had the chance to have a European grant (EVS) that took care of all the costs.
I had some difficulties to join the workcamp because the infosheet did not mention the summer bus schedules. Then, I have contacted the leader (thanks to the number that I could find on the infosheet) and I managed to get by.
I didn’t have much experience in handling kid activities. I was not used to take care of children (except for my young brother and sister), but I wanted to learn new tools.
On my workcamps, we were 13 volunteers to take care of 30 or 40 children. I played a lot of football with the kids, I loved it. But I also try to suggest other activities, like the musical chair ;-)
I had the opportunity to stay a little longer in Greece after the construction to visit Athens, that was great.
Through my participation in this activity I improved my knowledge in English and learned better how to live and group and to cooperate in teams.
The workcamp and the European Voluntary Service fully meet your expectations. After having taken part in this mobility activity, I participated more actively in other volunteering projects in my country and I have followed a trainee to be a child/teen animator.”
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