ELIX organizes, co-ordinates and/or participates in awareness-raising campaigns and information actions on volunteering, civil society, social and intergenerational solidarity, environmental, cultural and educational issues in Greece and abroad.
Within the framework of international networking, ELIX also participates in meetings with her partners in the Alliance of Voluntary Service Organizations network.
In addition, ELIX takes part in information events held in schools, universities, festivals, public spaces etc, where interested parties can get all the necessary information regarding ELIX’s work, as well as for the choices given to participate in the magical world of volunteering.
ELIX has been continuously present in most corporate social responsibility conferences aimed at raising awareness on social, cultural and environmental issues in order to build partnerships and to create synergies for the benefit of vulnerable social groups.
Finally, ELIX participates in many collaborative schemes and networks in order to successfully implement actions with multiplying effects.
ELIX participated in the Astronomy Week, held from 3 to 10 May, under the Open Schools program of the City of Athens with the support of UNICEF.
Young and older students, accompanied by their parents and by ELIX's educational staff, were introduced to the mysteries of the universe, our solar system and the flash of the lights.
A celebration becomes a lesson against racial discrimination
ATHENS, 23 March 2017 - With drawings, games and songs, Greek, refugee and migrant children in downtown Athens celebrated yesterday diversity, inclusiveness and respect, on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (21 March).
Yet another year, volunteers of ELIX will be present in Ancient Olympia in order to work at the hill of Galani. After the devastating fires of 2007 ELIX organized several ecological actions, last year’s focus lying on the cleaning and maintenance of the footpaths of the hill.
Join know!
Save the Date! GYSD is April 20-22, 2012
Global Youth Service Day 2012 will be held between the 20th and 22th of April, 2012.
This year, in the context of the celebration of the European Year of Volunteering 2011, ELIX-Conservation Volunteers Greece will perform a series of actions, motivating people to participate actively in the society.
As part of the campaign Big GREEN Weekend which is coordinated by the network “Conservation Volunteers Alliance”, ELIX invites all of you to participate actively in the following activities!
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