2022-2023: KidsRights Foundation works with children to create a world in which their rights are guaranteed and they are enabled to realize their great potential. KidsRights is convinced that realizing children’s rights more effectively calls for the perspective, experience and authority of children themselves.
2017 - 2018: FCA supported the "Project Yoga"
2016 - 2017: FCA supported the implementation of the project “Quality learning through play and non-formal education, enhanced psychosocial health and positive integration for school-aged children refugees in Greece”.
2016: FCA supported the project "Let's Go to School!", recreational activities for Refugee Children.
2012 - 2017: Supported the project "Summer in the City"
2012 - 2014: Supported the project "Solidarity Lessons"
2016 - 2017: The TIDES Foundation supported the training of ELIX educators and executives
2016 - 2017: The foundation supported Elix's "Personal and Social Development Program for Children - Stepkids" in Kipseli, Athens
2016 - 2017: The project "Responding to the needs of female unaccompanied and separated children and youth" was funded by the "European Program for Integration and Migration (EPIM)"
2022-2024: EngAGE: A holistic project for the elderly on active ageing, volunteering and participation as vital part of the community
2014 - 2015: Bodosakis Foundation supported the implementation of "Neon Chora" as the manager of the "We are all Citizens" program funded by EEA Grants
2007: Studiosus Foundation (Studiosus Foundation e.V.) supported ELIX's actions in Ancient Olympia