Information Centre

World Refugee Day today and ELIX honors the millions of people that have been displaced by the home countries looking for a better future.

Such as Nila who has first visited ELIX in January 2018. Arriving at 14 years old, with no knowledge of Greek, but speaking some English, she began attending our classes daily.

After few months, with our support, she was registered at the first year of middle school. Since then, she managed to improve her language skills in Greek and English, with continuous work and will, she successfully acquired the A2 Greek language qualification and she has just finished the second year in middle school.

Nila is already exploring different career dreams, with her interests revolving around humanitarian professions. She is one of the most determined students, who has shown progress not only educationally, but also in her personal and interpersonal development.

Nila says that she feels ELIX as her “second family” and this is also how we feel for all the children who attend or have attended our educational project “Learning for Integration”, implemented with the support of UNICEF, IOM and DG HOME.

In fact, Nila recently starred in a promotional video created by UNICEF (in collaboration with the Swedish National Commission) to inform the world’s public about the situation of refugees and migrants in Greece and the efforts of Civil Society and of its programs for their smooth integration.

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