Here you can find proposals for seminars, youth exchanges and teenagers' programs to participate, co-funded by the European Union:.
ELIX is super excited to launch an amazing Youth Exchange all about mental health and intercultural dialogue. With mental health challenges on the rise, it's more important than ever to promote understanding, empathy, and inclusion. Mental health is something we all face, but stigma, misinformation, and cultural differences often make it hard to talk openly about it. That’s why our “Mind Matters” exchange brings these two powerful topics together – creating a safe, open space for young people to dive into the connection between mental health and cultural exchange.
ELIX is organising a training course on a major issue in modern society - mental health. Both the pandemic and the ongoing war situation have worsened mental health worldwide.
ELIX is re-publishing the Call for participants to the D.E.M.O. (Democracy, Elections, Mentorship, Organizing) project organised by European Alternatives. European Alternatives works to promote democracy, equality and culture beyond the nation-state and imagine, demand and enact alternatives for a viable future.
The “D.E.M.O.” programme aims at encouraging and facilitating the active engagement of a wide network of European citizens through both training & hands-on action, in the context of the upcoming 2024 European Elections. We just launched the open call to identify and select 50 change-makers from at least 8 countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Czechia, Greece, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania, Sweden and others) to participate in the D.E.M.O. programme. Those selected change-makers will receive the necessary tools to re-imagine democracy in their local communities and to encourage democratic participation.
“MasterPEACE - Training of Youth Multipliers on Peace and Human Rights Education” is the title of the new project proposed by ELIX that will be implemented 8 to 15 of March 2023 with the involvement of more than 25 youth workers who will develop their competences as youth multipliers in peace and human rights education.
ELIX participates in a 3-year project from January 2020 to December 2022, titled “Time 2 Team” that has been approved for funding by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
This project will be coordinated by Concordia (France) and will be implemented by ELIX - Conservation Volunteers (Greece), Allianssi (Finland), Grenzenlos (Austria), IBG (Germany), Lunaria (Italy), Egyesek Youth Organization (Hungary), Solidarités Jeunesses (France), and Compagnons Bâtisseurs - CBB (Belgium), as well as the international network “Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organisations” (Alliance).
ELIX participates in the Erasmus + program "Be the Change: conflict as a catalyst for transformation and empowerment" with nine more partners from all over Europe.
In this context, the French organization "solidaritesjeunesses" created a very useful MOOC, which is divided into 5 sections and is now available at the link that you will find in the pdf with the instructions for use.
ELIX – Conservation Volunteers Greece launches a new project titled “V.I.P. – Volunteering is Possible” that has been approved for funding and will be financially supported by the Erasmus+ programme.
This project aims to reach young people with fewer opportunities who are often excluded from mobility programmes and to provide them with the opportunity to equally participate.
ELIX participates in a 3-year project from January 2018 to December 2020, titled “#IVS4Peace, Inclusive Voluntary Service 4 Peace” that has been approved for funding by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission.
This project has been applied and will be coordinated by the Coordinating Committee of the International Voluntary Service (CCIVS) and will be implemented with the participation of the two international networks such as the Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organisations (Alliance) and the Youth of European Nationalities (YEN) as well as national organisations such as ELIX - Conservation Volunteers (Greece), Egyesek Youth Organization (Hungary), Solidarités Jeunesses (France), and Compagnons Bâtisseurs - CBB (Belgium).