Here you can find proposals for seminars, youth exchanges and teenagers' programs to participate, co-funded by the European Union:.
Citizenship has its roots in the idea of active participation in the local community.The actions in these communities are the ones that make the difference and build an active Europe.
The programme "EC4LA-European Citizens For Local Action - Promoting active citizenship and European Identity through volunteering on local level" is the result of the long experience of the twelve European partners participating, in the work with volunteers and local communities. They have been supporting the volunteer movement in order to promote active citizenship and the participation of individuals in local actions.
ELIX is organising a training course programme "DYNAMO" in Athens between 30 of November to 8 of December 2012.
18 participants from 9 different countries will participate, from Armenia, Belarus, Belgium, France, Georgia, UK, Italy, Ukraine and Greece
Youth Exchange “Volunteering 2011@EUr” Athens, Greece 18th -25th October 2011
Name: Volunteering 2011@ EUr
Type: Youth Exchange
Participants: 4 young people (18-26) plus one Leader (22+)
Countries: Greece, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Spain.