ELIX is organising a training course programme "DYNAMO" in Athens between 30 of November to 8 of December 2012.
18 participants from 9 different countries will participate, from Armenia, Belarus, Belgium, France, Georgia, UK, Italy, Ukraine and Greece
The training course will be based on the specific needs of the participants and their organisations and will be highly participatory. Diversity, e.g. in the group of participants, will be considered as a resource for the building‐up and transfer of competences. There will only be few frontal lectures, the main part of the training course will be delivered in the form of practical sessions implemented by the participants in a learning‐by‐doing fashion. The trainers will take care of creating a supportive and safe learning environment, where participants are encouraged and coached while mastering challenges that contribute to their personal, professional and organisational development. Special attention is paid to making the learning points of the training course relevant, sustainable and transferable, e.g. by giving ample room for reflection and assessment, by producing exhaustive documentation and by providing templates and guidance for tailor‐made development and action plans.
1) to build up competences of the participants in empowering young people and youth workers, specifically:
- coaching, mentoring and feedback
- learning and self‐assessment
- long term support in each stages of a youth project (from idea to a real project)
2) to discover and discuss with the participants the concepts of creativity, participation & entrepreneurship, and to reflect on how can these ideas contribute to the mission of their organisations and to empower young people;
3) to explore with the participants what structures, conditions and stakeholders are needed to ensure an adequate support for empowerment of youth in their organisation;
4) to give the participants an opportunity for East – West co-operation in youth work:
- getting to know each others’ cultures and realities of youth work
- sharing best practices in youth work
5) to support the development of future projects of the partner organisations (follow-up and impact) by providing participants with tools and specific work plans for empowerment and by creating a space for planning future partnerships/projects in Youth in Action.