Here you can find proposals for seminars, youth exchanges and teenagers' programs to participate, co-funded by the European Union:.
In 2017, ELIX is celebrating 30 years of action. All these years, ELIX has played an active role in the field of volunteering on national and international level. With credibility and responsibility, ELIX, is giving the chance to an always increasing number of young people to participate in voluntary projects abroad and while receiving foreign volunteers to offer their voluntary service in Greece.
This year, ELIX has the honor to host the 35th Annual General Assembly of the ALLIANCE of European Voluntary Service Organisations, that will be held in Athens from the 1st to the 3rd of November 2017.
From 21st to 26th of February 2017, ELIX will be hosting the Induction seminar in Athens as the first step within the Long Term Training Course (LTTC) of our network ALLIANCE of European Voluntary Service Organisations.
The Induction Seminar aims at providing young trainees with information and resources on how to design IVS projects as structured methodological and pedagogical tools.
ELIX in cooperation with Finn Church Aid (FCA) and Teachers without Borders, and funded by UNICEF and Church of Sweden, has started the implementation of the educational programme addressed to refugee children aged 3-17, who are staying in the regions of Attica and Central Macedonia. The programme will last until June 2017.
The aim is to provide quality, non-formal education, to enhance psychosocial well-being and positive integration. Read the Press Release.
In the framework of the international Campaign that is coordinated by CCIVS with the title “Raising Voice – Raising Peace”, ELIX is organizing a Peace Action Week on the rights of Migrants & Refugees and the right to citizenship.
This Peace Action Week represents for us an extraordinary opportunity and a little, but important step to concretely start the change we want to see in nowadays’ society.
ELIX is actively participating in the international Campaign that is coordinated by CCIVS with the title “Raising Voice – Raising Peace”. The campaign is focusing in the following 4 thematics:
1. Rights of Migrant people, Refugees, and to Citizenship;
2. Rights on Gender,
ELIX is organising the Youth Exchange project “X-Press YOUrself”, that will be held in May in Athens with participants from 6 different countries.
TITLE: X-Press YOUrself
EVENT TYPE: Erasmus+ youth mobility project
ELIX is organising a youth exchange programme “Sports to YOUth”, that will be held in Ancient Olympia from the 5th until the 13th of May 2015.
30 participants from 5 organisations from 5 different countries will meet in Olympia for this activity:
Indigenous people (ESTONIA), De Amicitia (SPAIN), Genclik Turizmi Dernegi (TURKEY) and YAP - Youth Action for Peace (ITALY). ELIX Conservation Volunteers Greece (GREECE) is the organisers.
ELIX is organising a youth exchange programme "LOVE in Action" in Athens between 11 to 19 of February 2014.
30 participants from 6 organisations from 6 different countries will meet in Athens for this activity: