ELIX is organising a youth exchange programme "LOVE in Action" in Athens between 11 to 19 of February 2014.
30 participants from 6 organisations from 6 different countries will meet in Athens for this activity:
MTÜ Noortevahetuse Arengu Ühing ESTYES - Estonia, Jeunesse et Reconstruction - France, Jugendhilfe und Sozialarbeit e.V. - Germany, ELIX Conservation Volunteers Greece - Greece, SEEDS - SEE beyonD borderS - Iceland and CEMEA del Mezzogiorno - Italy.
Contact your above country organisation if you want to be part of this project.
Apart of the main activity an Advanced Planing Visit which will take place in Athens to prepare the details of the project between 24 to 26 of January.
Project Details:
TITLE: | Love in Action |
EVENT TYPE: | Youth Exchange (Action 1.1) |
VENUE & DATES: | Greece, Athens, 11 February – 19 February 2014 |
ORGANISER: | Elix – Conservation Volunteers Greece |
PARTICIPANTS: | 30 participants from Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland and Italy |
PARTICIPANTS PROFILE: | 5 participants per organisation (1 group leader + 4 participants; all the participants should be 18 - 25) |
MAIN DONOR: | National Agency for Youth in Action in Greece |
"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive"
Dalai Lama
What comes to mind when one hears the word ‘love’? How many meanings can one attribute to it?
In ancient Greek, four words were used to distinguish four types of love – a distinction still present in modern Greek: eros (romantic love), agape (pure, unconditional love), philia (friendship but also love and interest in people and things) and storge (the affection one feels for close family).
With this distinction in mind and in the context of the ‘European Year of Citizens 2013’ theme, ELIX - Conservation Volunteers Greece is organising a European youth exchange project that aims to explore the concept of love by incorporating all of the above dimensions and cultivate the philosophy of active citizenship, as a love expressed towards one’s city and his/her fellow citizens.
The exchange is planned to take place from 11th to 19th February 2014, and aims to offer a different perspective on Valentine's Day and transform it into a celebration of love for the city and the people living in it.
Through the thematic activities of the exchange, each of the different interpretations of love will manifest itself in correlation with active citizenship and the Youth in Action
programme: love in relation to sexual orientation and respect of an active citizen towards sexual diversity; a genuine love and interest (or the rediscovery of it) in one’s community, public affairs and urban environment, affection and solidarity shown towards socially vulnerable groups; friendships formed and bonds developed between the European citizens participating in the exchange; hospitality as a form of host-visitor friendship and cultural exchange as a result of it, both being concepts that the Youth in Action programme has promoted throughout its implementation.
During the exchange and through interactive sessions, experiential learning methods and a rich contact with various local organisations and activists, young participants will have the opportunity to reflect and share their views on the different dimensions of love, be creative and take on an active and positive role as citizens. In addition, participants will be given the opportunity to design an outdoor central action on Valentine's Day in order to communicate messages of love as a source of creativity and hope. Through their contact with citizens of Athens, they will try to help them re-evaluate their relationship with their city and fellow citizens. This action will also attempt to contribute towards the adoption of a positive attitude towards things as well as of a more active participation in social affairs.
Given the difficult times people are experiencing and the feelings of frustration, disillusionment and negativity that have come as a result, this exchange will attempt to disseminate messages of positive thinking, solidarity, compassion and optimism. After all, love is all about giving and participating. So is active citizenship.
The APV is taking part in Athens, Greece.
Each partner can send up to 1 participant (preferably the leader of the team)
- Arrival date: 24th of January 2014
- Departure date: 26th of January 2014
Financial support is given by the Greek National Agency within the European Commission’s programme “Youth in Action” (action 1.1) and follows the financial rules of the Programme Guide 2013.
The APV offers:
Travel costs from home to the venue of the project and return for 1 participant per country. (Economy class flight ticket, 2nd class train ticket) 100% of eligible costs up to a maximum amount. Participants have to provide original invoices, boarding pass and tickets. Travelling by taxi cannot be refunded.
- Board, lodging, local transports, all materials and the content of the youth exchange are fully covered.
- Participants will be in charge of arranging their own insurance for their travel and stay in Greece.
The youth exchange is taking part in Athens, Greece.
- Arrival date: 11th of February
- Departure date: 19th of February 2014
Financial support is given by the Greek National Agency within the European Commission’s programme “Youth in Action” (action 1.1) and follows the financial rules of the Programme Guide 2013.
The Youth Exchange offers:
Travel costs from home to the venue of the project and return. (Economy class flight ticket, 2 nd class train ticket) 70% of eligible costs up to a maximum amount . Participants have to provide original invoices, boarding pass and tickets. Travelling by taxi cannot be refunded.
- Board, lodging, local transports, all materials and the content of the youth exchange are fully covered.
- Participants will be in charge of arranging their own insurance for their travel and stay in Greece.
For the full justification of the travelling costs incurred the participants need to provide ELIX with the original invoices, receipts, boarding passes, tickets etc.