Our work

Social Actions to Support Vulnerable Groups and Awareness

Having the promotion of voluntary work as its main mission and aiming at contributing to the personal development of the individual and his/her evolution as a world citizen of the world through active social participation, ELIX has developed during the recent years a number of activities and projects that seek to address social problems and mitigate the effects of the economic and social crisis.

Our projects are aiming mainly at children, young people and their families residing in Greece but also, at children and young people reside in Greece due to the refugee crisis of 2015.

In addition, we implement work experience programs, which support unemployed and young graduates.

  • "p^2 multispace" a safe and welcoming place by ELIX

    ELIX has responded to the growing need for a safe and welcoming place for young people to relax, socialize and take part in activities, by creating a multi-space called “p^2 multispace”, near Omonia Sq.


  • "Stepkids" a project for the personal and social development of children

    ELIX began in October 2016 the implementation of “The Children's Personal and Social Development Program” - "Stepkids" in Kypseli area, Athens, funded by Germany's "Kreuzberger Kinderstiftung" institution.


  • "Lessons of Solidarity" a project to support vulnerable social groups in a period of crisis

    Recognizing the need to support vulnerable social groups, in an era of economic and cultural crisis, ELIX contributed with teams of selected volunteers to the operation of several Social Welfare Institutions by supporting their daily work.

    ELIX's "Lessons of Solidarity" projected was initiated in 2012 with the support of Stavros Niarchos Foundation, as part of the Foundation's three-year initiative, to support those who need special assistance due to the current socio-economic crisis in Greece.


  • "Summer in the City" - Recreational activities for children

    ELIX, drawing on its 25 years of experience in volunteering and in designing/implementing projects with social impact, created in 2012 a recreational activities program for children, aged 6 to 12, with the title "Summer in the City" (in Greek: Diakopes sto Sholio).

    The project was initially implemented (2012 and 2013) in the Municipalities of Athens, Zografou, Maroussi and Piraeus, while ELIX continued the program in the coming years, securing funding from other sources in order to maintain such an important initiative.


  • This Summer is Ours

    "This Summer is Ours" (in greek: Afto to Kalokairi einai Diko mas) started in 2013 with the support of the company - Hellenic Petroleum - and the Municipality of Elefsina in Attika and Kordelio-Evosmos in Thessaloniki.

    The program aims to support children and young people with mental and physical disabilities, by providing them the opportunity to spend a quality summer time through creative activities since it is difficult for this target group to find any activities they could take part in during summer.


  • Quality play-based learning and non-formal education, enhanced psychosocial well-being and positive integration for refugee children aged 3-17 years in Greece

    Quality play-based learning and non-formal education, enhanced psychosocial well-being and positive integration for refugee children aged 3-17 years in Greece.


  • “pame Scholio!” - Providing Non-Formal Education to Refugee Children from Eleonas camp

    ELIX has developed expertise in providing children from underprivileged neighborhoods with recreational activities and games in the fields of music, theatre, painting, and multicultural education through non-formal education methods.


  • The Learning for Integration Project: Quality Learning and Non-Formal Education for Refugee and Migrant Children and Adults in Greece

    ELIX started the implementation of "The Learning for Integration Project: Quality Learning and Non-Formal Education for Refugee and Migrant Children and Adults in Greece" in March 2019 with the support of UNICEF,International Organization for Migration (IOM) and DG Migration and Home Affairs of EC (DG HOME).


  • Learning for Integration Project: Quality Learning and Non-Formal Education for Refugees and Migrant Children in Greece

    ELIX, supported by UNICEF and funded by the European Commission (DG ECHO), began in October 2017 the implementation of an educational program for refugee and immigrant children, aged 3-17, and their parents in Attica.

    The aim of this project is to provide non-formal education and homework support to refugees and migrants children, as well as their parents, in order to contribute to their smooth integration into the formal education system through innovative educational methods.


  • Skyschool by ELIX

    ELIX has offered -in partnership with Sky School- a series of social entrepreneurship courses in Athens, Greece for young refugee and migrant learners.

    Sky School, an education initiative for refugee youth, aims to become the first international high school for displaced youth and refugees who have limited access to education because of conflict. It aspires to design a high school diploma program, based on online lessons and on-the-ground learning, which will be internationally recognized and founded on an international curriculum, inspired by the prestigious International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP).


  • Project Yoga

    Continuing the project that was initiated by the successful cooperation with Finn Church Aid (FCA), ELIX is offering the “Project Yoga”, an educational project for locals, refugees and migrants that is promoting non-formal education as a tool towards integration and personal development, in 2019 too.


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