EU funded projects

ELIX is implementing as coordinator several co-funded projects with the support of European Union projects, like Europe for Citizens, Youth in Action, Erasmus+ and other.


    ELIX is super excited to launch an amazing Youth Exchange all about mental health and intercultural dialogue. With mental health challenges on the rise, it's more important than ever to promote understanding, empathy, and inclusion. Mental health is something we all face, but stigma, misinformation, and cultural differences often make it hard to talk openly about it. That’s why our “Mind Matters” exchange brings these two powerful topics together – creating a safe, open space for young people to dive into the connection between mental health and cultural exchange.



    ELIX is organising a training course on a major issue in modern society - mental health. Both the pandemic and the ongoing war situation have worsened mental health worldwide.



    In cooperation with the Goethe Institute e.V., ELIX and other stakeholders started the "Your Language Counts!" project, dedicated to supporting the integration and educational success of multilingual students with a heritage language background. In an increasingly diverse Europe, multilingualism is the norm, presenting many opportunities but also challenges for students who must navigate a school system dominated by a language different from their heritage languages.

    Our project aim is to contribute to students’ overall academic achievements and foster a sense of belonging through knowledge and therefore pride in their languages.
    The term "heritage language" (or “home language”) refers to languages spoken at home, reflecting individual histories, traditions, and cultural identities. This includes students with a refugee or migrant background, heritage language speakers, second or third generation heritage language speakers, and any student with a diverse heritage language background.



    ELIX is re-publishing the Call for participants to the D.E.M.O. (Democracy, Elections, Mentorship, Organizing) project organised by European Alternatives. European Alternatives works to promote democracy, equality and culture beyond the nation-state and imaginedemand and enact alternatives for a viable future.

    The “D.E.M.O.” programme aims at encouraging and facilitating the active engagement of a wide network of European citizens through both training & hands-on action, in the context of the upcoming 2024 European Elections. We just launched the open call to identify and select 50 change-makers from at least 8 countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Czechia, Greece, Slovakia, Slovenia, Romania, Sweden and others) to participate in the D.E.M.O. programme. Those selected change-makers will receive the necessary tools to re-imagine democracy in their local communities and to encourage democratic participation.



    “MasterPEACE - Training of Youth Multipliers on Peace and Human Rights Education” is the title of the new project proposed by ELIX that will be implemented 8 to 15 of March 2023 with the involvement of more than 25 youth workers who will develop their competences as youth multipliers in peace and human rights education.



    In cooperation with the Städtische Grundschule Unterstadt (Belgium), ELIX and other stakeholders started the "The Children of Sheherazade" project, a three year evaluation research study of an oral storytelling project. 
    ELIX is partnering with the organisation "Haus der Märchen und Geschichten e.V." (Germany) and the schools "Vester Skerninge Friskole" (Denmark), "Städtische Gemeinschafts- grundschule Düppelstraße" (Germany) and "Øster Åby Friskole" (Denmark).



    ELIX participates in a 3-year project from January 2020 to December 2022, titled “Time 2 Team” that has been approved for funding by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.

    This project will be coordinated by Concordia (France) and will be implemented by ELIX - Conservation Volunteers (Greece), Allianssi (Finland), Grenzenlos (Austria), IBG (Germany), Lunaria (Italy), Egyesek Youth Organization (Hungary), Solidarités Jeunesses (France), and Compagnons Bâtisseurs - CBB (Belgium), as well as the international network “Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organisations” (Alliance).



    ELIX participates in the Erasmus + program "Be the Change: conflict as a catalyst for transformation and empowerment" with nine more partners from all over Europe.

    In this context, the French organization "solidaritesjeunesses" created a very useful MOOC, which is divided into 5 sections and is now available at the link that you will find in the pdf with the instructions for use.



    Applicant of the project is ELIX - Conservation Volunteers Greece,

    When: from September 2020 to February 2021 (dates are flexible so indicate in your application in case there is any availability restrictions and we will take it into consideration)
    Duration: for a duration of 5-6 months



    Johanne, was an ELIX volunteer for the project “Volunteering is in our Nature vol.2019” under the the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) program with the funding of the Erasmus+ and the support of Youth and Lifelong Learning Foundation (I.NE.DI.VI.M).

    “In March 2019, I arrived in Athens wanting to move things a bit in my life. I did not have any expectation but I was hoping for a change and novelty.



    From 20th to 27th January 2020, ELIX’ members, Andres Santiago and Marie Chauffour travelled to Yaounde (Cameroon) to co-facilitate a training part of «Building Bridges: Youth Work for Peace and Dialogue», hosted by Girls Excel.



    ELIX successfully implemented the project “YOUth Exchanges for Diversity - #YEs4Diversity” over 2018-2019, with the financial support of the Erasmus+ programme.

    The project included two Youth Exchanges and preparatory meetings (APVs) with the participation of 53 youngsters from Greece, Slovakia, Estonia, France, Italy, Germany and Spain.



    Applicant of the project is ELIX - Conservation Volunteers Greece,

    When: from February 2020 to December 2020 (dates are flexible so indicate in your application in case there is any availability restrictions and we will take it into consideration)
    Duration: for a duration of 10 months



    Mid-October 2019, ELIX successfully implemented a peace education training, focused on the rights of Migrants and Refugees.

    From 14th to 21st October 2019, 32 youth workers from all over Europe gathered in Athens to participate in the “Peace Action Week - ReMaking Change Happen”.

    Do you want to know more about the project?



    ELIX participates in the project “Be the Change: conflict as a catalyst for transformation and empowerment”. The project is aiming at improving the skills and competences of European citizens to address their interpersonal conflicts, and work towards their transformation into learning, development and communication opportunities in order to facilitate relations and the development of an inclusive Europe.



    Martha, in the frame of European Voluntary Service program (EVS) offered 6 months of volunteering work at ELIX during our project “EN.SU.RE. Inclusion - Enhanced Support for Refugee Inclusion” with the financial support of the European Commission.

    “Athens in (my) world,

    It’s August and I am about to leave this beautiful country soon, but not before having plenty of Greece vacation this month, that Greek people flee the cities to fill up their vitamin D storage on any island.



    ELIX’s Andres Santiago and Tilemachos Boni visited Paraguay from 18th to 25th August in order to participate in the workshop «Youth worker training in peace education» of the project «Building Bridges: Youth Work for Peace and Dialogue», a programme that we co-ordinate together with IFM-SEI.



    In October 2019, 30 youth workers from 8 different European countries will participate in the Peace Action Week organized by ELIX in Athens, a training course focused on the advocacy actions regarding rights of Migrants & Refugees.



    ELIX from 11th to 16th of June hosted the training for capacity building for local and regional projects as part of the "Building Bridges Youth Work for Peace and Dialogue" project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.



    In July 2018, Andrea left Slovekia to participate in a workcamp of 2 weeks, as a European Voluntary Service (EVS) volunteer through the project "V.I.P. - Volunteering is Possible" with the financial support of the Erasmus+ Programme funded by the European Commission. She supported children with disabilites throught “This summer is ours“, a project organized by ELIX in Elefsina. Discover what she wrote about her experience.


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