Η ΕΛΙΞ σε συνεργασία με τις οργανώσεις: Etudes et Chantiers Bretagne (Γαλλία), UNAREC (Γαλλία), Estonian Fund for Nature (Εσθονία) και TCV (Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο) συνδιοργάνωσε για δεύτερη χρονιά το πρόγραμμα La Team. Η Μυρτώ συμμετείχε στο πρόγραμμα αυτό στην Bretagne και μας διηγείται την εμπειρία της.

"Hello there! I would love to share my EVS experience with you and make you feel the vibe, as it was for me one of the best period of my life. To start with, our evs project called ‘’La Team’’ took place in a wonderful village, named Paimpont .It is about a village which is not away from Rennes- the biggest city of the Bretagne region in France.

The first thing that comes in my mind is the great nature and the landscapes that Bretagne offers you generously. We were lucky to be situated in the heart of Broceliande forest.A magical forest, that can make you believe that finally, fairies really exist in this life. I could spend plenty of pages to tell you about this place, but let me first introduce you to our missions.

First of all, we worked during 4 months for the Biological Station, a scientific department of the University of Rennes 1 in Paimpont. In general, our mission was to make this scientific center more accessible for the public. This means that we had to work mainly on its rural area (outdoor activities). It was about a very beautiful area, full of green and there was a pond. Our first task was to clean up the forest by cutting some trees, especially those that were in front of the pond. We had to do that in order to let the light pass through the forest contributing that way to the development of new species. The gardeners we worked with, were very pleasant and helpful and even if it was difficult for 4 girls to carry the wood for example, we usually lost the sense of time by teasing each other.

Another outdoor activity that was very interesting for us and educative at the same time was the natural inventory. According to the protocol of the Agriculture Ministry of France, we had to install in some marked places (agricultural zones, forest) bee houses for the observation of wild bees and wooden plaques on the ground for the observation of the insects that could be hidden below. The process of the natural observation was enjoyable and full of surprises. Through this activity we saw the real beauty of the nature and learnt for sure to respect more the environment.

This summer in France was undoubtedly a beautiful and unforgettable story that I will always love to narrate. I’m proud of having being a member of this multicultural team and I hope that we will keep exchanging our cultures, because this is magic. The discovery of new identities broadens your horizons and teaches you how to respect a different culture than yours by adopting it.




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