Η ΕΛΙΞ σας προτείνει ένα πολύ ενδιαφέρον συγχρηματοδοτούμενο πρόγραμμα του Ευρωπαϊκού Σώματος Αλληλεγγύης (ESC) μεγάλης διάρκειας που συντονίζει η Egyesek Youth Association.

Το πρόγραμμα θα υλοποιηθεί στην Ουγγαρία, στη περιοχή της Szécsény. Το πρόγραμμα ξεκινάει στις 01/02/2022 και τελειώνει στις 30/11/2022, συνολική διάρκεια 10 μήνες (43 εβδομάδες).
Σκοπός του προγράμματος είναι οι Κοινωνικές προκλήσεις, Ιθαγένεια και δημοκρατική συμμετοχή, Εκπαίδευση και κατάρτιση, Απασχόληση και επιχειρηματικότητα, Δημιουργικότητα και πολιτισμός

Προθεσμία υποβολής αιτήσεων: ΑΜΕΣΑ, οι αιτήσεις του προγράμματος κλείνουν 23 Δεκεμβρίου 2021.

Μάθε τι είναι το συγχρηματοδοτούμενο πρόγραμμα ESC και τι παρέχει.

Participants will contribute to our mission, and create equal opportunities to children and youth to increase the quality of their lives. During the project volunteers discover the field of their interest and have the opportunity to develop their own initiatives. Volunteers also assist Egyesek Youth Association at trainings and summer camps, and may be involved in other administrative tasks, while taking part in a high-quality learning process. The work of the volunteers involves creating creative workshops for kids with fewer opportunities in Szécsény, helping us with social media content creation and organizing different local initiatives. Volunteers have a chance to receive skill-based trainings by Egyesek trainers and become camp leaders in our summer camps. For more info, please check here.

Daily tasks will include:
Creative workshops in schools and youth centers:

  • organizing and delivering English creative, workshops at 6 different locations, organizing events with the local community.hungary egyesek logo
  • Elderly house and nursery home: organizing workshops, participating in local events, social media, community work at Creative Space in Hollókő, assisting at our activities (trainigngs, workcamps and youth exchanges).
  • Organization related tasks: social media, community work at Creative Space in Hollókő, assisting at our activities ( trainigngs, workcamps and youth exchanges

PROJECT DATES From 01 February 2022 to 30 November 2022

Accommodation: Accommodation is a big family house in the town of Szécsény, where the volunteers live in shared rooms. In the town of Szécsény all necessary facilities (banks, pharmacy, hospital, supermarkets, restaurants, cafés, etc.) are available.

Szécsény is directly connected to all activity areas, you can easily reach all the locations by local transportation. Travel reimbursement, pocket money and food allowance are provided.

Open minded, willing to learn, team player. As the project involves working with children, the ideal volunteer would have interest in this field and open to learning about informal educational methods. Our project is open to anyone, regardless of gender, religion, race, sexual orientation etc. Open to applicants from European Solidarity Corps programme countries.

Fill out the application form in which you need also to attach your CV. Do not forget to mention that ELIX is your sending organisation.

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