Η ΕΛΙΞ σε συνεργασία με την Compagnons Bâtisseurs Bretagne, οργάνωση της Γαλλίας, αναζητά 1 εθελοντή/εθελόντρια EVS από την Ελλάδα για να συμμετέχει σε ένα πρόγραμμα Short Term EVS, με θέμα "Renovation and social work".

H θέση είναι εξασφαλισμένη και η διάρκεια του προγραμμάτων είναι ένας μήνας από τις 01/09 έως τις 30/09/17.

Περισσότερα για το πρόγραμμα

What is a Short Term EVS?
It is a program for young people aged between 18 and 30, resident in the country of their sending organization. More specifically, it addresses young people with fewer opportunities, that is,
- with disadvantaged backgrounds and fewer opportunities compared to their peers whenever disadvantage limits or prevents participation in transnational activities for reasons such as:
- educational difficulties: young people with learning difficulties; early school-leavers; low qualified adults;
- young people with poor school performance;
- economic obstacles: people with a low standard of living, low income, dependence on social welfare system or homeless; young people in long-term unemployment or poverty; people in debt or with financial problems;
- cultural differences: immigrants or refugees or descendants from immigrant or refugee families;
- people belonging to a national or ethnic minority; people with linguistic adaptation and cultural inclusion difficulties;
- health problems: people with chronic health problems, severe illnesses or psychiatric conditions;
- social obstacles: people facing discrimination because of gender, age, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, disability, etc.;
- people with limited social skills or anti-social or risky behaviors; people in a precarious situation;
- (ex-)offenders, (ex-)drug or alcohol abusers; young and/or single parents; orphans;
- geographical obstacles: people from remote or rural areas; people living in small islands or in peripheral regions;
- people from urban problem zones; people from less serviced areas (limited public transport, poor facilities).


DATES: 01/09 - 30/09/2017


Project: Working with the organization staff (administrative and technical mentors), the volunteers will participate in technical works (reroofing, insulation, plumbing, electricity works, toilets installation, room creation…) to improve people’s home. The inhabitants are people who are facing social and economic difficult and challenging situations and the main challenge is to involve them in the improvement of their living conditions by doing the works all together.

Although the main purpose is the carrying out of the technical work, the activity has therefore an important social and human aspect that makes the intervention different from a professional one. Furthermore, most of the time volunteers share the lunch (or at least a coffee) with the family which provides a valuable time to get to know each other and may create strong links based on trust and sharing.erasmus plus logo 2

Works: depending on the habitants’ projects.


Localisation: Rennes
Nearest Airport: Paris or Rennes
Meeting point: to be confirmed
Accommodation: at the long term volunteers’ flat
Language: English and French
Age: 18 - 30 years old


Maximum travel cost: Athens - Rennes = 360€
The volunteer will receive a financial contribution to his/her travel costs from Athens to the locations of the projects and back. The maximum refundable amount is 360€ (for distance between 2000-2999 km ) including the return trip (in case the travel cost is higher, the volunteer will cover the difference). *(It means that if you have a budget of 360€ and you spend 260€, you will receive all 260€, and in this case will be the 100% of the travel. Otherwise for example, if you spend 400€ with a budget of 360€, we will reimburse you up to 360€.)

EVS allowance (pocket money) giving by the hosting organisation to the volunteer when he/she will arrive: 5€ X number of days of the project (including the travel days) + 285€ for the food costs.


Insurance: The volunteer will receive health insurance, third party liability insurance, as well as general accident insurance via the group insurance of the European Commission (free of charge for the volunteer).


Applications: Deadline for applying is as SOON as Possible!!!


Please fill the below online application and send your CV to Αυτή η διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου προστατεύεται από τους αυτοματισμούς αποστολέων ανεπιθύμητων μηνυμάτων. Χρειάζεται να ενεργοποιήσετε τη JavaScript για να μπορέσετε να τη δείτε.


Η ημερομηνία υποβολής των αιτήσεων έχει λήξει.

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