Η ΕΛΙΞ προσφέρει κάθε χρόνο περισσότερα από 100 προγράμματα για εφήβους σε όλη την Ευρώπη αλλά και τον υπόλοιπο κόσμο μέσα από την Μηχανή Αναζήτησης σε στενή συνεργασία με τις οργανώσεις που συνεργάζεται σε όλο τον κόσμο.

Έφηβοι από την ηλικία των 14 χρονών μπορούν να συμμετέχουν σε εθελοντικά προγράμματα και ως ενεργοί πολίτες να προσφέρουν στις τοπικές κοινωνίες αλλά και να ανακαλύψουν νέους πολιτισμούς. Την ίδια στιγμή που γνωρίζουν νέους φίλους θα έχουν την ευκαιρία να βελτιώσουν τις δεξιότητές τους σε διάφορες δραστηριότητες αλλά και τις γνώσεις τους σε ξένες γλώσσες.

Στην παρακάτω λίστα έχουμε κάνει μια δύσκολη επιλογή από 19 πολύ ενδιαφέροντα προγράμματα για εφήβους καθώς υπάρχουν πολύ περισσότερα διαθέσιμα και 6 για οικογένειες.

Ρίξτε μια ματιά παρακάτω, πάρτε χαρτί και μολύβι για να σημειώσετε πια σας ενδιαφέρουν.


1. ijgd 28336, EXPLORING NATURE AND HOLIDAY FUN IN THE FOREST AND GER (Traben-Trarbach), Short_term/ workcamp, ENVI, 07/07/18 - 28/07/18, 16-26.

If you are a nature loving young person, who would love to spend time in the forest with like-minded people and likes physical work, this is the project for you! You will stay in the lovely Art Nouveau town of Traben-Trarbach.

2. ijgd 58401, BEACH AND WORK IN BARLEBEN, (BARLEBEN, GER (Barleben and Ma), Short_term/ workcamp, ENVI CONS, 14/07/18 - 28/07/18, 16-26.

In this project volunteers will help maintain the recreational area called "Jersleber See", located close to a nice lake in Barleben, 10 km north of Magdeburg. You can have a look at the video of this workcamp here.

3. ijgd 18205, FOREST ADVENTURE (FISCHBECK, GER (Hameln), Short_term/ workcamp, ENVI, 07/07/18 - 28/07/18, 16-26.

Discover the secrets of the forest under the guide of the experienced forestry workers; and help protect and enhance the environment through various activities, such as clearing space for newly planted trees, helping them get the light, building and repairing recreational facilities and cultivation gates, etc. You will live a unique experience in the small village of Fischbeck.

4. ijgd 28311, MEDIEVAL BUILDING IN THE 21ST CENTURY – BERNAU, GER (Weiden (Oberpf)), Short_term/ workcamp, ARCH, 18/08/18 - 09/09/18, 16-26.

Volunteers will contribute to local development through cultural actions, by fostering awareness on, and respect for, cultural heritage. How? They will build a 1:1 reconstruction of medieval houses in an archeological open air museum which takes people on a time travel trip into the everyday life of the 9th to 13th century. Volunteers will also help organize a museum festival for children and families.

5. IBG 12, LAUCHRINGEN, GER (Lauchringen), Short_term/ workcamp, ENVI CONS MANU, 30/06/18 - 14/07/18, 16-99.

Help set up a family centre which is going to host groups during school holidays and offer an afternoon program for children and youngsters. You will contribute by doing various manual activities, such as shaping the garden area, creating a play area with water, stone, and sand, etc. You will be one of the first volunteers working in Lauchringen, a small and pretty town in the very South of the Black Forest.

6. ijgd 28339, WORKING AROUND HISTORICAL WALLS (HOMBERG (EF, GER (Wabern (Bezirk ), Short_term/ workcamp, RENO, 14/07/18 - 04/08/18, 16-26.

If you love historical places and would like to preserve one of them while getting to know diverse cultures, if you want to spend a different summer and are curious about learning various techniques and participating in renovation activities, such as maintaining and creating paths, designing benches, and putting up signs, do not miss this project located in the beautiful town of Homberg (Efze).

7. ijgd 78102, TEAMWORK FOR REMEMBRANCE. NEVER AGAIN, GER (Berlin), Short_term/ workcamp, ARCH, 21/07/18 - 05/08/18, 16-17.

Help to maintain the tombs of people who were victims of the war in the cemetery Heiligensee in north-west Berlin. You will also have time to explore the free time activities Berlin and its surroundings have to offer! Extra fee: 150 Eur


8. CONCF-040, GANNAT - CONSTRUCTION OF WOODEN URBAN EQUIPMENT, FRA (Gannat train st), Short_term/ workcamp, RENO MANU, 08/08/18 - 22/08/18, 15-17.

Enjoy the town of Gannat and play a role in the enhancement of the living environment. The city council develops a lot of citizenship actions for youth and has a keen interest in inviting young people from France and all over the world. Youngsters of Gannat may work with you and show you around. Extra fee: 165 Eur

9. SJ/TEEN64, FROM KITCHEN TO GARDEN AND VICE VERSA 1, FRA (Lagupie train s), RENO ENVI, 07/07/18 - 25/07/18, 15-17.

Participate in a fulfilling experience that embraces differences and self-discovery, while learning manual and useful skills renovating a farm! This workcamp takes place in the beautiful village of Laguépie in between two rivers, on site of the Citrus association. Extra fee: 150 Eur

10. ANEC7, THE OLD HOUSE IN THE RAMBOUILLET FOREST, FRA (Rambouillet tra), Short_term/ workcamp, MANU ART, 13/07/18 - 03/08/18, 14-17.

Help renovate the house of Elsa Triolet and Aragon on the fringe of the Rambouillet forest! 45 minutes away from Paris, this was the residence of two famous writers of the 20th century. Extra fee: 250 Eur


11. ALLI09 - Benkku, FIN (Helsinki), ENVI, 29/06/18 - 08/07/18, 16-17. Live on the Bengtsår island and have fun with activities such as hay cutting, woodwork and much more!

The island is a protected environmental area that has a very varying nature, located very close to Helsinki. You will get a chance to know Finnish culture and Helsinki. Extra fee: 100 Eur


12. SDA 201, TEENS AT HAUENSTEJN CASTLE, CZE (Karlovy Vary), RENO, 09/07/18 - 23/07/18, 15-17.

Support during conservation works, help with basic landscaping, renovations, and everyday tasks in a Czech castle!! Get to know about the castle, partially destroyed during WWII, and discover the beautiful surroundings. Extra fee: 70 Eur 


13. CBB09, DOMAINE DE CHEVETOGNE, BEL (The 04th of Aug), Short_term/ workcamp, ENVI MANU, 04/08/18 - 18/08/18, 15-17.

Build a wooden hut to house classes about environmental sustainability! Le Domaine provincial de Chevetogne is a big center for environmental education and social tourism. There is a huge park and a modest castle. Extra fee: 150 Eur


14. EST T1 Mens Sana in Corpore Sano 1, EST (Tallinn), ENVI, 27/06/18 - 08/07/18, 14-18. 

15. EST T2 Mens Sana in Corpore Sano 2, EST (Tallinn), ENVI, 07/07/18 - 18/07/18, 14-18.

16. EST T3 Mens Sana in Corpore Sano 3, EST (Tallinn), ENVI, 17/07/18 - 28/07/18, 14-18.

17. EST T4 Mens Sana in Corpore Sano 4, EST (Tallinn), ENVI, 27/07/18 - 07/08/18, 14-18.

18. EST T5 Mens Sana in Corpore Sano 5, ST (Tallinn), ENVI, 06/08/18 - 17/08/18,14-18.

19. EST T6 Mens Sana in Corpore Sano 6, ST (Tallinn), ENVI, 16/08/18 - 27/08/18,14-18.

Organized for teenagers by the youth sport club Lukas-Basket, this camp will include water activities, sport and ball games, eco-hikes, bicycle trips to places of interest, horse riding, fishing, rowing, sailing with Viking boats, acquaintance with local culture and many other exciting things plus some voluntary activities. Mens sana in corpore sano (Healthy Spirit in Healthy Body) – this is the message of the camp! Extra fee: 330 Eur

Αν τώρα θέλετε να βρείτε ακόμη περισσότερα προγράμματα για εφήβους πηγαίνετε στην Μηχανή Αναζήτησης της ΕΛΙΞ και επιλέξτε τα πατακάτω:
SELECT COUNTRY: all (Europe)
Και μετά πατήστε το πράσινο κουμπί “PROCEED TO RESULT”, θα σας δώσει όλα τα διαθέσιμα προγράμματα για εφήβους που υπάρχουν στην Ευρώπη. Καλή εξερεύνηση…


Εθελοντικά προγράμματα για Οικογένιες

Why not go to a workcamp all together? Would you like to join a workcamp with your children? Check the following possibilities below and ask for more info at Αυτή η διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου προστατεύεται από τους αυτοματισμούς αποστολέων ανεπιθύμητων μηνυμάτων. Χρειάζεται να ενεργοποιήσετε τη JavaScript για να μπορέσετε να τη δείτε.!


1. SDA 303, FIGHT SOCIAL EXCLUSION, CZE (Usti nad Labem), Short_term/ workcamp, SOCI KIDS, 16/07/18 - 29/07/18, 18-99.

The workcamp is organized in cooperation with a local branch of People in Need (PiN), an organization founded on the ideals of humanism, freedom, equality and solidarity. You will work in neighbourhoods with people with fewer opportunities preparing and organizing free-time activities for local children and teenagers coming to the afternoon club. This is an adult camp but is open to participants with children (5 – 12 yo).


2. LEG19 Sardinia Natural Reserve Guspin (Οι αιτήσεις θα ανοίξουν σύντομα) Dates: 22/07/2018 - 02/08/2018
The goal of the project is restoring the environment of some mining and forest areas of districts of Arbus and Guspini, and the Costa Verde on the beautiful island of Sardinia. Help in renovating the walking trails and the watercourses, creating rest areas, collecting waste and wildlife monitoring. The trails network will provide a valuable contribution to local schools for environmental education, and will promote practices of environmentally sustainable tourism.
Extra fee: (No extra fee for children under 4)
1 adult + 1 child= 140 Eur
1 adult + 2 children = 220 Eur
1 adult + 3 children = 310 Eur
2 adults + 1 child = 240 Eur
2 adults + 2 children = 300 Eur
2 adults + 3 children = 360 Eur


3. SJ/FAM79, SOW THE SMALL PEBBLES AS A FAMILY, FRA (Lagupie train s), RENO, 01/08/18 - 08/08/18, 5-90.

Pebbles, colours, families, and messengers of peace, you are invited to spend time with your children by meeting other families of diverse cultures and by participating in workshops together with them. You will attend various workshops, such as gardening, constructing a low wall, as well as doing paving work, or cooking. By adapting to the organisation's work hours and the tasks to be completed, the workshops will be accessible to all over the age of 5.

Extra fee : 50 Eur for children under 10, 100 Eur for participants of ages 11 and up

 4. SJ/FAM80, THE AUTUMNAL GARDEN, FRA (Montendre train), ENVI CULT, 20/10/18 - 27/10/18, 5-90.

La Maison des Bateleurs has been an international hosting centre for 20 years which witnesses rich cultural meetings and exchanges. During this project you will participate actively in the life of the House and different activities, such as collective life (cooking, cleaning, organising, etc.) and intercultural exchanges (meeting the local population and the volunteers of the association), etc. Extra fee : 50€ for children under 10, 100 Eur for participants of ages 11 and up


5. ALLI19, FAMILY FIN (Punkaharju), family camp, CULT, 05/08/18 - 12/08/18, 18-99.

Support the maintenance of Ikko, modern, non-political and non-religious folk high school, by offering both general and vocational education for Finnish and international students. The area offers excellent opportunities for nature and outdoor activities. Volunteers can join Finnish language and culture presentation. Extra fee: 150 Eur per adult and 75 euros per child (3 yrs+)


6. EST F1, FAMILY CAMP AT KIIDI FARM, EST (Tallinn), ENVI, 21/08/18 - 30/08/18, 3-99.

The idea of this camp is to create a sort of temporary community where adults and children can share the ideas of voluntary activity for the benefit of the rural area. Adults will act as volunteers like in any other voluntary camp while children “work” as well, by helping parents and sharing easy tasks with them. Extra fee: 150 Eur per adult and 100 Eur per child over 3 years old.

About the extra fee: All ELIX workcamps taking place abroad have a participation fee of 100 EUR that includes accommodation, food and any other expenses that you will encounter during the project. In some cases, and especially in the case of teen camps or family camps, there is an extra fee to be paid to the local organisation. The so called “extra fee” covers different aspects, such as the salary of specialised camp leaders/educators, organized leisure activities, safety measures, etc.

Στην περίπτωση που έχετε περισσότερες ερωτήσεις μπορείτε να περάσετε από το γραφείο μας στην Αθήνα όπου κάθε Πέμπτη οργανώνουμε τις συναντήσεις VolunTea στις 18:00 ή να μας γράψετε στο Αυτή η διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου προστατεύεται από τους αυτοματισμούς αποστολέων ανεπιθύμητων μηνυμάτων. Χρειάζεται να ενεργοποιήσετε τη JavaScript για να μπορέσετε να τη δείτε.

Η ΕΛΙΞ είναι μέλος του διεθνούς δικτύου της Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organisations και ακολουθεί αυστηρούς κανόνες και οδηγίες για την ποιότητά των προγραμμάτων στα θέματα τις ασφάλειας των συμμετεχόντων καθώς και της διαδικασίας μάθησης που περιλαμβάνουν για τους νέους εθελοντές.

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