Η ΕΛΙΞ-Προγράμματα Εθελοντικής Εργασίας εταίρος της ανταλλαγής νέων “Cleaner Photos”, το οποίο θα υλοποιηθεί από τις 22 έως 28 Μαρτίου του 2023 στο Sanet y Negrals στην επαρχία Alicante, μία ώρα απόσταση από την ομώνυμη πόλη. Το Project βασίζεται στην περιβαλλοντική ευαισθητοποίηση και εγρήγορση.

Σκοπός του είναι η αποτύπωση μέσω της δύναμης της φωτογραφίας, των διαφόρων περιβαλλοντικών προβλημάτων, με τέτοιο τρόπο ώστε το ευρύ κοινό να ευαισθητοποιηθεί και να αναπτύξει ενδιαφέρον για τις περιβαλλοντικές προκλήσεις των επόμενων χρόνων.

Αναζητούμε τέσσερις (4) δραστήριους και με όρεξη εθελοντές, συν έναν (1) leader, ηλικίας 18 έως 30 ετών, οι οποίοι θα συμμετέχουν στις διεργασίες του Προγράμματος, ανάμεσα στις οποίες είναι οι εξής:

  • τυπική και μη τυπική εκπαίδευση
  • εργαστήρια
  • εκδρομές και ομαδικές δραστηριότητες
  • συζητήσεις
  • παρουσιάσεις και συνεντεύξεις των συμμετεχόντων 

Επίσης, οι εθελοντές θα εκπαιδευτούν στην έννοια της pinhole φωτογράφησης, μέθοδο με την οποία θα υλοποιήσουν τον κύριο όγκο των δραστηριοτήτων τους.

Ημερομηνία Υλοποίησης προγράμματος: 22/03/2023 - 28/03/2023

Κόστος συμμετοχής : 50 ευρώ

Προθεσμία υποβολής αιτήσεων: Μέχρι τις 7η Φεβρουαρίου 2023

Δηλώστε ΑΜΕΣΑ συμμετοχή στην παρακάτω φόρμα στο τέλος του άρθρου.

Youth Exchange “CLEANER PHOTOS” will gather 20 participants from 4 countries in the coast of Alicante a mountain village called Sanet y Negrals.

“CLEANER PHOTOS” is a project that is based on environmental awareness. With this project our aim is to document the environmental problems in a creative way all our world is facing and create awareness using the power of photography.

The activities will be based on the non-formal and informal educational working methods: workshops, courses, excursions, team activities, energizers, discussions, presentations and interviews of participants in the project. The participants will receive some workshops about pinhole photography style that will help them for the next workshops and activities. After that we will have some excursions to the áreas that are suffering from pollution. The task of the participants will be creating some photographic scenes which express the environmental problems and their impacts and will create some photos by using the pinhole technique. At the end of the project, we will make an exhibition with the photos that are taken by the participants.

The accommodation will be in the volunteers’ house called “Casa Jazmin”. It has three big rooms with bunk beds in each. There are also 3 separate bathrooms and another room with 2erasmus plus logo 2 more shower facilites in the house. There is a kitchen and a common room for the volunteers.

Please bring your WINTER SLEEPING BAG. We provide sheets and pillows but no blankets.

Accommodation itself provides basic conditions and the quality of it depend also on cleanliness and contribution of all participants.

There is Wifi in the accommodation but we do not share it with the volunteers as long as it is not essential to increase theteam building and group atmosphere. We encourage all participants to keep the phone usage in minimum.

The food will be organized by teams with the products provided by the leaders. Each day one team will be in charge of cooking and the other team will be cleaning. In this project, we promote vegeterian eating style, thus the food provided will be vegetarian.

Sanet is a small town in the southwest of Spain close to Dénia (Comunidad de Valencia). It lays in the beautiful countryside, surrounded by hills which are great for hiking - there are a lot of hiking trails to discover. The house is located right in the middle of town, so there are great opportunities to interact and socialize with the locals and to truly experience the Spanish countryside. Furthermore, the volunteers can make excursions to Ondara and El Verger, local towns close to Sanet. The surrounding villages like Benimelli and Ràfol d'Almunia can also be visited. There will also be day trips to the beach which is about 15 minutes by car from Sanet.

The intercultural evening is a good way of intercultural learning. In every project, there is one evening when all participants present their country in a relaxed way – making a presentation, watching photos, telling stories, tasting typical dishes, drinks and sweets, dances etc. Please, have this evening in your mind while preparing your luggage to share a piece of your culture with the rest of the volunteers.


  • your passport or identification card
  • original travel tickets
  • student cards (e.g. ISIC or EURO 26)
  • health insurance card (or additional travel insurance)
  • towels, shampoos and personal care items
  • a winter sleeping bag
  • warm clothes and comfortable shoes
  • a rain coat or waterproof jacket for the rainy days

Remember that if you have any allergies or illnesses bring any medicine that you may need. And of course, don’t forget to bring your motivation and "desire" ;)


Best way to arrive to the camp is flying to Alicante (ALC) airport. From the airport there are direct buses to Benidorm bus station. The other possibility it to arrive to the Valencia Airport (VLC). Even though it is is not as close as the Alicante airport, it is possible to find direct buses to Benidorm.t.

From the Alicante Airport, there are buses to Benidorm every hour till 19:00 and it costs 10€ one way. To see where exactly the bus leave, please check. If you wish you can book your ticket in advance eventhough it is not necessary.

There are several stops in Benidorm but the one you should leave is the BENIDORM BUS STATION. Our leaders will be waiting for you at the ENTERANCE.

This project is a financed by EU where you receive the reimbursement of your travel expenses depending on the EU distance calculator:

  • 100-999km:170€
  • 1000-1999km: 275€
  • 2000-2999km:360€

Please keep all the invoices with you and print them before coming to project. You will have to deliver them to the project coordinators.

The flight tickets and the BOARDING PASSES need to be kept and if they are online, you have to take a SCREENSHOT before the departure, otherwise they will not be accessible after the trip.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Spanish National Agency only permits 2 days extra before and after the project. If you want to arrive earlier and leave later please note that your arrival can’t be earlier than 20th and departure can’t be later than 30th.

Η ημερομηνία υποβολής των αιτήσεων έχει λήξει.

Σχετικά Άρθρα

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