Η ΕΛΙΞ, εταίρος του προγράμματος ανταλλαγής νέων με τίτλο "Music in rural areas", αναζητά 5 συμμετέχοντες ηλικίας 18 έως 30 ετών και έναν αρχηγό ηλικίας 20+ προκειμένου να συμμετέχουν στο πρόγραμμα που θα πραγματοποιηθεί από τις 25 Σεπτεμβρίου έως τις 8 Οκτωβρίου 2015 στην πόλη Beaumotte-Aubertans της Γαλλίας, οργανωμένη από την οργάνωση Solidatiés Jeunesses.
Στην ανταλλαγή θα συμμετέχουν 18 νέοι από 3 χώρες: Ισλανδία, Γαλλία και Ελλάδα.
Λίγα λόγια για το πρόγραμμα:
The local association «Au coin de l’oreille» which promotes modern music and performing arts would like to organize a youth exchange about music and development in rural areas. It is the second year that this local association and the “Centre de Beaumotte”, our regional delegation in Franche-Comte region organize a youth exchange together.
Au Coin de l'Oreille was created in 1997 by a small handful of passionate individuals, interested in bringing in the Haute-Saône region, the festive and friendly adventure of concerts. The association's objective is to promote modern music development in the region, should it be in a settled place or in an itinerant way. Au Coin de l'Oreille develops its cultural project around an associative approach based on human values, solidarity and democracy. Around fifty volunteers provide support to the project development and during the concerts (a dozen per concert).
Since 1997, the association organizes an itinerant festival from late July to mid August in rural areas called “Les Estivales de la Saône”. A true musical treasure hunt, as we can discover new artistic universes as well as the villages in Haute-Saône. The formula has evolved over the years and the current principle is to offer a free concert every night in a different town, for a week with the same artist.
Au Coin de l'Oreille also offers concerts in a fixed place. After settling from 2006 to 2012 in Moulin de Pontcey, the association finally bought a brownfield that was rehabilitated it in order to create Echo System.
Echo System (www.echosystem70.fr, www.facebook.com/ECHOSYSTEM70) is a concert hall dedicated to contemporary music. It opened its doors in October 2014. It offers a regular program, as well as cultural activities (through various writing workshops /beatbox / concerts in prison / in retirement houses, etc.) or artistic residences.
The participants will take part in manual workshops to decorate the room of the association's premises, in music workshops to discover the French culture and in a video workshop in which they will be able to describe their experience. Moreover, they will share opinions about the importance of cultural places in rural areas where music can play an important role for social cohesion.
Many local partners will be associated to the project (artists and a recycling association).
The participants will sleep in shared rooms in the association premises. All the facilities (kitchen, bathroom and other shared rooms) will be provided.
For purposes of autonomy, the participants will be responsible for their stay and actively participate in organizing every step of the youth exchange.
They will meet with local population, who will take part in some activities, help with their vehicles and invite the participants for special dinners.
Nearest train station:Vesoul.
Οικονομικά στοιχεία:
Το κόστος μετακινήσεων επιστρέφεται στους συμμετέχοντες μετά από την ολοκλήρωση του προγράμματος και αφού έχουν καταθέσει τα απαραίτητα δικαιολογητικά (αποδείξεις, εισιτήρια, boarding pass, κλπ…). Σύμφωνα με τους όρους του νέου προγράμματος Erasmus+, το μέγιστο ποσό που καλύπτεται για τα μεταφορικά είναι μέχρι 170€ για κάθε συμμετέχοντα.
Το ποσό συμμετοχής προς την ΕΛΙΞ είναι 50€.
Για να δηλώσετε συμμετοχή συμπληρώστε στα αγγλικά την παρακάτω φόρμα συμμετοχής μέχρι τις 7 Σεπτεμβρίου στις 12:00!!