Η ΕΛΙΞ, εταίρος του εκπαιδευτικού προγράμματος με τίτλο "Home Away from Home - empowering local NGOs to take an active role in migrants’ integration process", που διοργανώνεται από την οργάνωση Agoraveiro της Πορτογαλίας, αναζητά 4 συμμετέχοντες ηλικίας 18+ προκειμένου να συμμετέχουν στο πρόγραμμα.
Το σεμινάριο έχει σχεδιαστεί για να εισαγάγει τους συμμετέχοντες στο θέμα της μετανάστευσης και της τρέχουσας κατάστασης στην Ευρώπη όσον αφορά τους μετανάστες και τους πρόσφυγες, ενώ παράλληλα θα μοιραστεί εργαλεία για την καταπολέμηση των διακρίσεων και την οικοδόμηση μιας κοινωνίας χωρίς αποκλεισμούς.
Το σεμινάριο θα πραγματοποιηθεί από τις 5 έως τις 14 Οκτωβρίου 2019 στην πόλη Aveiro της Πορτογαλίας. Στο πρόγραμμα, που συγχρηματοδοτείται από το Erasmus+, θα συμμετέχουν νέοι από την Πορτογαλία, Κροατία, Ιρλανδία, Ιταλία, Βουλγαρία και Ελλάδα.
Η προθεσμία για αιτήσεις είναι στις 5 Αυγούστου 2019!
Training Course - mobility for youth workers
Dates: 5-14 October 2019 (including travel days).
Venue: Rossio Hostel, Aveiro, Portugal
Participants should arrive before 19:00
"Home Away from Home - empowering local NGOs to take an active role in migrants’ integration process" aims at providing participants with first-hand information about immigration in Europe and practical tools that can be used when working with this topic in their local communities. It is designed to introduce participants to the topic of migrations and current situation in Europe regarding migrants and refugees, while sharing with them tools for fighting discrimination and building a more inclusive society.
WHAT? “Home Away from Home” is a ten-day training course with the objective of providing participants with theoretical and practical knowledge on the current situation of migrants and refugees in Europe, as well as with tools for understanding this issue, fighting discrimination and shaping their community into a more understanding and inclusive one.
WHY? Since 2015 until today millions of refugees started their journey to Europe, coming mostly from war-torn Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. These people ran from unbearable life conditions in their countries, searching for safety and future for themselves and their families. Their way to Europe is full of obstacles and difficulties and what they encounter once they finally reach Europe is often devastating. They face discrimination, stereotypes, exclusion, and even violence. At the same time, media are either not reporting about it or they are sending incorrect and not rarely, misleading information. This creates an atmosphere of lack of understanding, discrimination, and prejudice towards refugees. In order to change this atmosphere, we would like to provide young people with knowledge and tools which they can use to make a change.
HOW? Through workshops, lectures, interactive presentations, and discussions hosted by experts on the subject, participants will learn and practise different approaches to this situation which will hopefully inspire them to act and implement new inclusive projects in their own local community.
WHO? 25 participants from 6 countries - Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal. The training course is especially designed for beginners in the field of youth or social work, willing to start working with the topic of inclusion in their local communities. These are the target groups that the training course can benefit the most.
Alexandre Fonseca: Alexandre graduated in Languages and International Relations from the University of Porto and has a master’s degree in History of Political Thought from the Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon. He was an EVS volunteer in Novi Sad, Serbia and Ankara, Turkey. His involvement with non-formal education (NFE) dates back to 2010, having volunteered with several organizations such as BETA, Artisans du Monde, Orbis: Cooperação e Desenvolvimento, and Agora Aveiro. His favorite NFE methods? Living Library and Theater of the Oppressed! He is also a contributor to the first edition of European Academy of Youth Work.
Nataša Gološin: Natasa is a media worker with 16 and youth worker with 9 years of experience. For many years, she worked as a journalist for a Swiss media enterprise, "Ringier", mostly being dedicated to social features. In 2010, she co-founded Agora Aveiro, an NGO that promotes active citizenship, and devoted herself to the organization of TEDx events in Aveiro. She has a degree in International Relations and has completed various courses in NFE. She was trainer and facilitator on the topic of inclusion and migrants in several Erasmus+ projects. She is full-time employed in Agora Aveiro since 2012.
Jasna Vejić: Jasna is office manager in a Croatian NGO called Mentor. She holds a degree in sociology and has experience in Erasmus+ project management. She did her EVS in 2015 in Agora Aveiro, hence getting acquainted with project management. Since then, she has assisted with implementation and facilitated three Erasmus+ KA1 projects, two of which dealt with topics of migration, social inclusion and tolerance. Since the start of her employment in Croatia in 2016, she decided to use her experience and knowledge to introduce her organization to the Erasmus+ programme. Currently she is a project manager on youth risk behavior prevention projects in her organization, working daily with youngsters.
Accommodation and food are provided for participants free of charge. Participants will be accommodated in shared dormitories (with four or five beds each) in Aveiro.
Travel expenses will be reimbursed to the participants up to the limit established by Erasmus+. These limits are: Portugal: no reimbursement, Ireland and Italy: 275 euros, Croatia, Bulgaria, Greece: 360 euros.
If you want to apply, please, fill in this questionnaire by 5th August 2019.
Υπόλοιπα Οικονομικά Στοιχεία
Το κόστος μετακινήσεων επιστρέφεται στους συμμετέχοντες μετά από την ολοκλήρωση του προγράμματος και αφού έχουν καταθέσει τα απαραίτητα χαρτιά (αποδείξεις, εισιτήρια, boarding pass, κλπ.…). Σύμφωνα με τους νέους όρους του προγράμματος Erasmus+ και σύμφωνα με την χιλιομετρική απόσταση το ποσό επιστροφής είναι μέχρι 360€(*) για κάθε συμμετέχοντα.
*(It means that if you have a budget of 360€ and you spend 300€, you will receive all 300€, and in this case it will be the 100% of the travel. Otherwise for example, if you spend 380€ with a budget of 360€, we will reimburse you up to 360€.)
Η διαμονή και η διατροφή των συμμετεχόντων καλύπτονται πλήρως από το πρόγραμμα.
Το ποσό συμμετοχής προς την ΕΛΙΞ είναι 100€.