Εκπαιδευτικό σεμινάριο από την ΕΛΙΞ στην Γερμανία
Θέμα: The personal and public benefit of international volunteering
Ημερομηνίες: 30/11-5/12/2011
Τοποθεσία: Heidelberg, Germany
Content of the seminar:
Linked to the European Year of Volunteering 2011 many Voluntary Service Organisations have special activities to raise awareness of the value and importance of volunteering as a form of active engagement and as a tool to develop or improve competences for personal, social and professional development. At the same time the positive effects on the hosting community and the local level will be pointed out.
The aim of the seminar is to collect the different idea, activities and tool of the organizations in this field and to share the experience and the outcome. As result of the seminar IBG wants to assure the dynamic of the European Year of Volunteering 2011 and its positive outcome and to transfer it into the following years. We expect to be a group of approx. 20 - 25 participants coming from Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Turkey and the UK.
Topics will be (draft, we will add your ideas and proposals): We will have some facilitators but we also count on your input and your active participation. We prepared a kind of agenda with different topics but it depends on the special interested and expectations of the participants where to put the main focus on. Some topics will be discussed in the plenary, others in working groups.
Concrete topics in our agenda are up to now:
- Volunteers in PR-work: results of the IBG seminar „Volunteering & Visibility“: What are volunteers doing to share their experience and their enthusiasm? How can this be supported? New ideas of the partners.
- Evaluation of learning outcomes from international volunteers: evaluation and reflection tools of the partners, formal tools to visualise and to validate learning outcomes (YOUTHPASS etc.), special evaluation tools for volunteers in danger of social exclusion.
- European Year of Volunteering 2011:
1. International level: Common activities of the partners (Alliance flag tour; volunteering messenger);
2. National level: Activities, events and actions of the partners:
3. Visibility: What is the outcome of the EYV 2011 for volunteers and voluntary service organisation? Press information and presentation of a common balance of the EYV of the present partners.
4. Transfer of activities, tools and outcome of the EYV: What can be permanently used, what influence can be on daily life of the organisations?
- Integration: How can the value of volunteering be presented top special target group which we can not reach very well up to now (e.g. vols with special needs, with migration background…).
- Volunteering: What remains in the village?
How can local hosts and hosting communities recognize and reflect the benefit they had from the workcamp and the value it had for them?
How can we support them to become active and share and disseminate the public value of international volunteering?
- Use and multiply Summarize some good practice examples to make them easily used by other organisation. Split further tasks between the pax. How can the results of the seminar be disseminated?
What concrete aspect do I want to realize in my organization?
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