Η ΕΛΙΞ, εταίρος του εκπαιδευτικού προγράμματος με τίτλο “Let it grow - Young activists for freedom, tolerance and respect of human rights”, που διοργανώνεται από την οργάνωση YAP - Youth Action for Peace της Ιταλίας, αναζητά 2 συμμετέχοντες ηλικίας 18+ προκειμένου να συμμετέχουν στο πρόγραμμα.

Το σεμινάριο, με θέμα τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα, θα πραγματοποιηθεί από τις 18 έως τις 26 Ιουλίου 2018 στην Ιταλία στην πόλη Poggio Mirteto. Στο πρόγραμμα, που συγχρηματοδοτείται από το Erasmus+, θα συμμετέχουν 20 συμμετέχοντες από δέκα χώρες.

 Η προθεσμία για αιτήσεις είναι στις 30 Ιουνίου 2018!

Πιο λεπτομερώς
PARTICIPANTS: 2 for every partner organisation
AGE: 18+

Project themes:
• Civic engagement / responsible citizenship
• Migrants' issues
• Integration of refugees
• Freedom of Movement, Peace Education and Human Rights
• Voluntary service
• Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy)

In a constantly radicalizing Europe where borders and literal walls are built and not destroyed, where the political reality is turning to a radical right and where xenophobia is growing, we need youth to get involved! We witness alienation from political and civic life. To combat these tendencies, we are running a training to motivate and empower youngsters to become community activists! Thanks to the international setting this will not only be a sense of responsibility towards local community, but also a feeling of belonging to a common Europe, a European citizenship. Through the practical part of the project participants will get equipped with a new set of tools to become active in their local community and in International Voluntary Movement!

TARGET GROUP: the training is targeting youth with little experience in NGOs and civic life, but with motivation and potential to get involved and become community activists and community leaders.

PROJECT AIM: The project aims to create a strong value base of human rights for actions in the local community; and to train and empower participants with little experience in youth work willing to become active within their NGOs, the International Voluntary Service movement, and eager to take an active role in their society. Gathering youngsters from different backgrounds to discuss recent political issues, and threats for our society - such as radicalization - will create a stronger network of likeminded activists from a diverse background working together for a more inclusive and tolerant society.

At the same time aiming to a younger target, millennials mostly will ensure the involvement of a new generation of youth work offering an alternative value set and world view next to radicalization and discrimination that we increasingly notice in today’s Europe.

METHODOLOGY: during the project we will propose interactive methodologies based on non-formal education where the different techniques, such as ice breakers, team building activities, energisers, and role play games, are used to stimulate interaction among participants. The aim is to involve trainees in active learning; to generate a permanent sharing; and to facilitate mutual exchanges of experiences and knowledge. In each activity a peer to peer approach will be actively encouraged: trainers and participants will share tools horizontally, in order to guarantee different approaches in learning and to facilitate assessment.

EXPECTED OUTCOMES: At the end of the project it is expected that participants will get more involved in their local community, by taking leadership positions and active roles!
Also, it is expected that through discussions and the meeting with the other participants – the peer to peer learning – participants will have a stronger stand and a better understanding on issues related to human rights.

Participants will also create a network of activists who know each other within the International Voluntary Service movement that will bring a new generation of activists to the movement and will offer them possibilities to cooperate in the future! At the same time this will strengthen their sending organisations.

PREPARATORY WORK: before the training participants will be invited to do some preparatory work: research and talk with their sending organisations, in order to understand the fields and the projects where they could potentially get involved.

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ACCOMMODATION: participants will sleep in dormitories and shared rooms with bunk beds (6 to 8 beds), with shared bathrooms, hot showers and a kitchen. All facilities are provided except for washing machine.


FOOD: Catering service will be provided for lunch and dinner. The group will support preparation of breakfast and coffee breaks (with the food provided by the hosting organisations.)
Participants will be asked to carry out daily maintenance tasks, such as cleaning common spaces and giving a hand in the kitchen (cleaning dishes, set the table, etc.).


LANGUAGE: During the training the official language is English. Conversational level of English is required to be able to participate in the program! Other languages should be used only for translation.


FINANCIAL CONDITIONS: Food, lodgement, insurance, and travel costs are covered by the project.


About the travel reimbursement:

Travel costs are anticipated by the participants and will be refunded at the end of the project.


The travel costs of the participants will be partially or entirely covered, depending on the amount you paid. The contribution to the travel costs is calculated according to the distance between the place of origin of the group (location of the sending organisation) and the venue. The amounts are fixed according to the distance calculator and the flat rate of the ERASMUS + programme. Please note the price includes the tickets return (flight + train + bus), second class travels.


Υπόλοιπα Οικονομικά Στοιχεία
Το κόστος μετακινήσεων επιστρέφεται στους συμμετέχοντες μετά από την ολοκλήρωση του προγράμματος και αφού έχουν καταθέσει τα απαραίτητα χαρτιά (αποδείξεις, εισιτήρια, boarding pass, κλπ…). Σύμφωνα με τους νέους όρους του προγράμματος Erasmus+ και σύμφωνα με την χιλιομετρική απόσταση το ποσό επιστροφής είναι μέχρι 275€(*) για κάθε συμμετέχοντα.
*(It means that if you have a budget of 275€ and you spend 200€, you will receive all 200€, and in this case it will be the 100% of the travel. Otherwise for example, if you spend 300€ with a budget of 275€, we will reimburse you up to 275€.)


Η διαμονή και η διατροφή των συμμετεχόντων καλύπτονται πλήρως από το πρόγραμμα.


Το ποσό συμμετοχής προς την ΕΛΙΞ είναι 100€.


Για να δηλώσετε συμμετοχή συμπληρώστε στα αγγλικά την παρακάτω φόρμα συμμετοχής μέχρι τις 13 Ιουνίου 2018!

Copyright © 2013 ΕΛΙΞ Προγραμματα Εθελοντικης Εργασιας.
Με την επιφύλαξη παντός δικαιώματος.     [Όροι Χρήσης]

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