Εκπαιδευτικό Σεμινάριο - "BLOOMING WASTE - Environmental Awareness and Citizenship through E-Waste Prevention", Training Course, Action 3.1!” στην Ιταλία 07 - 16/06/2014

Η ΕΛΙΞ εταίρος του προγράμματος, αναζητά 3 άτομα άνω των 18 χρονών, που επιθυμούν να συμμετέχουν στο Εκπαιδευτικό Σεμινάριο που διοργανώνεται από τις 7 με 16 Ιουνίου 2014 στο Orvieto της Ιταλίας.

Στο training course θα συμμετέχουν νέοι από την Ελλάδα, Ιταλία, Ισπανία, Γαλλία, Αρμενία, Μολδαβία, Ρωσία και Αζερμπαϊτζάν, με καλυμμένο το 70% του κόστους των εισιτηρίων (βλ. παρακάτω).

Λίγα λόγια για το πρόγραμμα:

PLACE: Casa Laboratorio il Cerquosino, Orvieto (TR). Participants will be accommodated in the building il Cerquosino, località San Faustino 22 Morrano 05019, Orvieto (TR), managed by the local association Artemide.


ACCOMMODATION: The hosting place has a kitchen that can be freely used, toilets and showers, the meal will be prepared by the support staff and will be served in the same building where the participants are accommodated. There is a common room for meals and for free time. Please note that participants will be accommodated in dormitory. The workshops will be held in the polyvalent room of the association, set in the same building where participants are hosted.

Please consider the building is set in a marvellous place but in the countryside and a bit isolated, the local association live following sustainable practices (like community life, garbage recycling, responsible water use, responsible electricity use …) and participants involved in the project will be invited in following these good practices.

Participants will be asked to collaborate in the daily maintenance tasks, such as cleaning the common spaces and giving a hand in the kitchen (cleaning dishes, set the table, etc.).


PARTICIPANTS: 3 participants per organisation

AGE: 18 +


TARGET GROUP: youth leaders, active citizens and volunteers with past experiences in the environmental field, interested in developing grass-rooted initiatives in the field of E-Waste prevention and reduction. Participants must be strongly committed in the promotion of sustainable life styles through social innovation activities as, for example, the electronic re-use aimed to replace compulsive consumption.
Particularly welcome to the training will be those participants active in backgrounds with fewer opportunities, such as the outskirts of big EU and EEC cities and/or places particularly affected by waste pollution.




AIM OF THE PROJECT: the aim of the training course is to provide youth leaders, active citizens and volunteers with past experiences in the environmental field, with new tools and working methods to implement innovative local actions, in EU and EEC, specifically targeted to the waste prevention.
These actions should be focused on the electronic waste reduction through the awareness raising on e-waste hazards, through the implementation of specific voluntary and/or professional based activities to re-use and, even more important, to repair in the best way in term of eco-efficiency, the electronic devices and through the dissemination of alternative best practices, easily replicable in the different countries.


- To set a detailed analysis of the local backgrounds problems: this section will be specifically focused on the growing waste emergencies in the different countries and on the analysis of the local background needs;
- To explore in depth cultural differences in approaching the environmental sustainability issues, in perceiving and defining “waste” and in measuring the impact from waste;
- To debate the e-waste problems in the different countries and to analyse their consequences in terms of pollution spreading, health problems increasing and social inequalities;
- To empower the individual skills and attitudes of participants to raise awareness on e-waste "4 R" priorities and to concretely apply them in their every day life and in new initiatives they might implement;
- To provide participants with basic skills in computer reuse and repair techniques, Linux based refurbishing and problem solving;
- To share the good practices adopted and the working methods used in the different countries to face the e-waste management and to prevent it;
- To train the participants in designing and setting concrete activities aimed to collect, re-use and distribute, in a fruitful way, electronic devices otherwise prematurely abandoned;
- To define a set of innovative good practises and working methods to ease the implementation of the concrete activities and local projects, above mentioned;
- To develop different communication styles and tools to approach the waste and e-waste problem, to raise awareness on the importance to re-use waste in general and specifically electronic devices and to promote the dissemination of alternative best practices easily replicable in the different backgrounds;
- To provide participants with new skills in grass-rooted advocacy in order to be able to interact with local stakeholders, opinion makers, local authorities and decision makers;
- To facilitate the creation of an informal network, made up of youth leaders, active citizens and volunteers from EU and EEC, aimed to exchange their experiences in the field of sustainability and waste prevention and willing to develop new working methods and initiatives to reduce and prevent the waste and e-waste impact.


Sustainability and active citizenship
Urban development
Sustainability and active citizenship
The nowadays, globalise societies are seeing an exponential increasing in the production and selling of goods, in particular in the filed of ICT devices.
This has been lead, by one side, to the change in the communication styles of people: the information flow is becoming more rapid every day, it’s increasing the possibility to enter the contents and it’s possible to share knowledge in a more horizontal way, mutually learning from each others. But in the meantime, the increasing of selling and of production lead to the raise of the waste production and to the creation of a new type of trash, the e-waste. People, somehow have been convinced that they have to be “smart” and “stylish” and that it can be possible only intensively following the last ICT devises sold in the market. These behaves lead to the spread of the e-waste, that is dangerous, it has an high level of pollution and it can't be completely disposed as its components are not biodegradable in a comprehensive manner.


In general the issue of sustainability and of sustainable development it’s actually becoming more and more challenging and it’s urgent to find different approaches to the wide spread of pollution. More specifically, we believe that the raise of the waste production and the e-waste disposal problem is very linked to the issue of sustainability. The ICT devices, after they have been used and transformed in waste have to be disposed. The official procedure to be followed is quite complex and despite of the fact that EU and national laws and regulations exist, they are not strictly followed and in most of the cases are completely inefficient. It lead automatically to the wide increase of pollution and to the creation and a dark zone, often difficult to be adequately monitored and controlled. There have been registered several cases in which the e-waste trash has been exported to partner countries and neighbouring partner countries where it’ more difficult to keep the process controlled.

The e-waste spreading is contributing to an enormous and fast growing global health emergency that is making the cancer disease the fist cause of death in the world.

Sustainability is very linked to the active citizenship, since one of the main principles of sustainable development is to meet the needs of present generations without jeopardizing the ability of futures generations to meet their own needs, which correspond to guarantee, as a basic right of every one, the quality of his or her life.


To be active citizens is an action based in the every day life, means to be engaged in deep-rooted activities aimed at improving the life of the local communities and at activating new participative processes. One of the first steps in this direction is to adopt conscious life styles, able to respect the place where we live and the people we are living with. In order to do that it’s fundamental to develop a new awareness toward the environmental new challenges and to keep people, and above all young people, informed on the waste and e-waste disposal problems and of the possible solutions that can be proposed.


Urban development: the outskirts of the EU and EEC capitals, even if distinguished by specific peculiarities, are marked by common problems, like the lack of green spaces, the scarcity of services and of public transports, the unauthorized buildings and the sky keepers, without or with scarce common spaces to activate the socialization. All these aspects may contribute to improve the isolation process so that the local inhabitants feel themselves often separated by the rest of the city, closed in an sort of artificial “ghetto”. This is a big risk because the belief to live in an “unprotected” and abandoned environment make people resigned and not interested in doing something concrete to improve these places. Furthermore, in several neighbourhoods the level of pollution is quite high and it’s getting even higher: it’s not by chance that dumping is created out of the city centre, in suburban areas and in isolated places. In most of the cases the local inhabitants are not even completely aware of what’s taking place close to their living place and of the related risks and even when they are aware, they don’t have enough instruments to fight against these problems.


That given fact is the socio-economical framework where starts a new type of inequality: the environmental divide between waste exposed communities and environmentally protected communities.


Also in this case it’s fundamental to develop a grass-rooted work to raise awareness on the waste and e-waste problem, to make the local communities informed. Only through the spreading of information it’s afterwards possible to develop a different forms of commitment and of ownership based on the idea that each person can actively contribute to well-being of his/her local community. This process may concretely lead to the real implementation of new initiatives and projects aimed at promoting in general sustainability and specifically the participation and the involvement of the local communities.
For this reason the training is targeted to youth leaders, active citizens and volunteers interested in developing deep-rooted initiatives in the field of e-waste prevention and reduction and active in backgrounds with fewer opportunities, such as the outskirts of the big EU and EEC cities and/or places particularly affected by waste pollution.


METHODOLOGIES: during the training course it will be proposed a combination of non formal education activities and technical sessions, thought to improve own self managed learning capacities especially on ICT and computer reuse technologies. Both the methodologies are based on the learning by doing and on the horizontal cooperation of experts and participants, in order to ensure the individual personal and professional development.
The exchange of technical knowledge, of working methods and the different approaches toward these topics will be actively encouraged and promoted. Each workshop will use a peer to peer approach: it will permit to better transmit the contents, to monitor and to give an increased value to the different approaches in learning.

Lunaria, Italy in cooperation with the local partner REWARE Società Cooperativa a R. L. - Impresa Sociale, for more information:

Tο 70% του κόστους μετακινήσεων επιστρέφει στους συμμετέχοντες μετά από την ολοκλήρωση του προγράμματος και αφού έχουν καταθέσει τα απαραίτητα χαρτιά (αποδείξεις, εισιτήρια, boarding pass, κλπ…). Το ποσό αυτό σύμφωνα με του όρους των προγραμμάτων της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης δεν μπορεί να ξεπερνά ένα άνω όριο όπου για αυτό το πρόγραμμα είναι:

 ELIX (Greece) 340 € (each participant) 238 € (each participant)

Το ποσό συμμετοχής προς την ΕΛΙΞ είναι 50€. Η Διαμονή και η διατροφή των συμμετεχόντων καλύπτετε πλήρως από το πρόγραμμα.

Για να δηλώσετε συμμετοχή συμπληρώστε στα αγγλικά την παρακάτω φόρμα συμμετοχής ΑΜΕΣΑ!!!


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