Η ΕΛΙΞ σας παρουσιάζει τα 28 καλύτερα εθελοντικά προγράμματα εφτά χωρών Σερβίας, Πολωνίας, Εσθονίας, Λευκορωσία, Τσεχίας, Κροατία και Ουγγαρίας και ήταν δύσκολη επιλογή καθώς υπάρχουν πάρα πολύ καλές προτάσεις.
Όσοι από εσάς έχουν ταξιδέψει στις χώρες αυτές γνωρίζουν καλά το γιατί...
Οι επιλογή ενός τέτοιου προγράμματος έχει ιδιαίτερο ενδιαφέρον και μπορεί κάπ οιος να βρει και εναλλακτικούς τρόπους μετακίνησης προς τις χώρες αυτές καθώς υπάρχουν αεροπορικές εταιρείες χαμηλού κόστους και τρένα.
Θυμίζουμε ότι κάνοντας κλικ επάνω στο όνομα του προγράμματος θα βρείτε την αναλυτική του περιγραφή.
1. VSS16, ARTOPOLIS I – STREET GALLERIES, KOSJERIC, Kosjeric, ART, 03/08/19 - 18/08/19, 18-99.
This beautiful artistic project will give you the opportunity to get acquainted with basics of mural painting and graffiti, and to express yourself. The idea of the Kosjeric Art Camp originated from The Club of Friendship based at The Centre for Anti-War Action in Belgrade. The workcamp was deliberately set outside the city of Belgrade in order to make a smaller local community benefit from international inputs, but also to give international participants the chance to explore the capacities of a Serbian inner city and its surrounding natural beauties. The project is located in Kosjeric, one the leading destinations of rural tourism in Serbia.
2. VSS17, ARTOPOLIS II – SOUNDING, KOSJERIC Kosjeric, ART, 03/08/19 - 18/08/19, 18-99.
This artistic, music workcamp aims to combine songs and sounds from volunteers’ home countries by using different instruments, and connect them all into one compound performance in accordance with the theme of the camp. As the previous one, this workcamp is also located in the beautiful rural village of Kosjeric.
3. VSS30, POTTERY CAPITAL, UZICE, Pozega, RENO ENVI MANU FEST CULT, 28/06/19 - 08/07/19, 18-30.
If you go to this project, you will get to know one of the most beautiful villages of Serbia, famous for its old pottery craft, and you will help its community to embellish the village by decorating, tidying up and arranging the entrance to the village in the year of jubilee – celebration of 15th anniversary of rural tourism. You will have the opportunity to attend pottery classes and presentations, and to try to create something. You will learn how Serbian traditional costumes were made and you will discover and learn Serbian traditional songs and dances.
4. FIYE901, RENOVATING SCHOOL IN PULTUSK, Pultusk, RENO MANU, 20/05/19 - 01/06/19, 18-99.
If you like manual work and to interact with children, have a look at this project where volunteers, together with children, will help to renovate their school. We plan to paint classrooms, and to maintain the green areas outside the school by cutting bushes and grass, planting new plants and flowers, etc. The project will take place in Pultusk, a small town with a very long history which dates back to the fourteenth century.
5. FIYE902, EDUCATIONAL CAMP FOR CHILDREN 1, Glaz, Galewice, KIDS EDU, 13/07/19 - 25/07/19, 18-99.
6. FIYE903, EDUCATIONAL CAMP FOR CHILDREN 2 Glaz, Galewice, KIDS EDU, 26/07/19 - 07/08/19, 18-99
The project “Educational camp for children”, which runs on two different periods this summer, will give you the opportunity to conduct language workshops, assist in educational programs, and to animate free time activities for children, 60 pupils from primary and junior high schools. You will be in Glaz, a very small village surrounded by a beautiful forest, in the southwestern part of Poland.
7. FIYE904, HOME FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES 1, Przedwionie 1, DISA, 30/06/19 - 14/07/19, 18-99.
8. FIYE905, HOME FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES 2 Przedwionie 1, DISA, 18/08/19 - 01/09/19, 18-99.
The workcamp is organized in cooperation with the Social Care Center “Na Przedwiosniu” which hosts 160 patients with mental disabilities. The presence of international volunteers greatly helps to break the wall of social isolation that our patients experience, because they have the unique opportunity to interact with different cultures, traditions and languages. You will help to organize games, craft activities and excursions, assist staff with running occupational therapy workshops (music therapy, cooking classes, etc.) and organize intercultural activities. The project is located in a forest in Miedzylesie, a green suburban district of Warsaw.
9. FIYE906, HOME FOR PEOPLE WITH ALZHEIMER S DISEASE, DISA MANU, 01/07/19 - 14/07/19, 18-99.
If you are highly motivated to work with disadvantaged and disabled individuals, you might be interested in this project where you will do manual work (taking care of green areas, painting walls, some maintenance work) and interact with the patients of a social welfare home for people with Alzheimer disease.
10. FIYE907, ALTERNATIVE MUSIC AND ARTS - BOSKI FEST, Na szlaku Brdy, CONS MANU FEST, 24/06/19 - 10/07/19, 18-99.
Are you prepared for hard work in a four-day festival filled with concerts, workshops and discussions? If the answer is yes, go ahead and learn more about your role in the Boski Fest, a non-profit event where almost every construction at the festival is made from recycled materials. You will be in the camping resort "Na Szlaku Brdy", at the outskirts of one of the biggest cities in central Poland, Bydgoszcz, about 10km from the centre of the city, to which the festival area is well connected.
11. FIYE908 NUMINOSUM FESTIVAL, Czarci Chutor Kampinos, MANU FEST, 30/08/19 - 10/09/19, 18-99.
Be part of Numinosum Festival 2019, a very cool traditional music dance event in the heart of Kampinos Forest, 40 km from Warsaw. There will be concerts, a dozen of workshops (singing, instrumental, dance), guided forest trips, family picnics and much more. The idea of the event is to promote Polish and European traditional dance and music. You will help in all the phases of the event!
12. FIYE910, CHILDREN DAY CARE CENTER 2 Jadru, KIDS, 21/07/19 - 03/08/19, 18-99.
By participating in the project, you will support the work of the Sociotherapy Center for Youth Jedrus. The center is located in Josefow, a small town in the suburbs of Warsaw, and it provides education, boarding school and therapies for children with learning difficulties. Volunteers will help the local community to organize free time activities for kids, such as games, sports, arts, crafts, excursions, cinema outings, playground activities, swimming-pool, and other events. Volunteers will be encouraged to propose their own activities, e.g. intercultural workshops, games from their countries, language workshops. In your free time you will have the chance to visit Warsaw.
13. EST 31 DOWN TOWN KIDS CITY II, Tallinn, KIDS, 09/08/19 - 23/08/19, 20-30, extra fee 30 euro.
This project, which is located in the centre of Tallinn, will give you the chance to provide children from Russian speaking minority groups with cross-cultural learning experience and alternative English language practice. You will do it through informal methods of teaching and by working in small groups on creative activities, such as music, festivals, sport.
14. EST 26, TAEVASKOJA YOUTH CAMP III, Tartu, KIDS, 30/07/19 - 06/08/19, 20-30, extra fee 30 euro.
If you enjoy hiking and working with children, this project is for you! Taevaskoja Youth Camp is an adventurous hiking camp that has been active for 24 years. Its aim is to support children’s development through non-formal education. During the youth camp kids participate in different workshops on health, safety, culture and they will enjoy climbing and hiking activities. Volunteers will help the coordinators of the project to implement the activities, by leading workshops connected to their cultures (traditional dances, games, everyday life, food etc), by working in partnership with professional local educators and youth workers. The project will take place in Taevaskoja, a tiny village in South-Estonia which becomes one of the most visited natural sightseeing places in the country during the summer period.
15. EST 20, YMCA, Kuressaare, KIDS, 20/07/19 - 30/07/19, 19-40, extra fee 30 euro.
If you participate in this project, you will be in the beautiful village of Jamaja on the Island of Saaremaa, and you will work with teenagers. Volunteers will provide local teenagers with cross-cultural learning experience, through games, drama, sport activities, excursions, discussions, etc. It will be great if you could introduce your country and culture to young people. Together with local leaders, volunteers will be responsible for the whole program of the children camp.
16. LYVS01-19 BRIDGES OF COMMUNICATION I, KIDS EDU LANG, 29/06/19 - 10/07/19, 18-99.
17. LYVS02-19 BRIDGES OF COMMUNICATION II, KIDS EDU LANG, 14/07/19 - 25/07/19, 18-99.
The project “Bridges of communication” is implemented in cooperation with the Belarusian Association of UNESCO Clubs (BelAU), whose mission is advocating humanitarian principles and UNESCO values, such as education, science and culture. The purpose of the workcamp is to develop high school kids’ communication and language skills through non-formal education methods. With the help of Belarusian teachers and volunteers, you will plan, prepare and conduct non-formal interactive language classes for children. The project is located in the ancient town of Uzda, 65 km from Minsk. In your free time you will also have the opportunity to visit the capital!
18. SDA 302, CHILDREN SUMMER CAMP, Nymburk, KIDS DISA, 04/07/19 - 17/07/19, 18-99.
In this nice project you will work with the local NGO “Centre for All” which organizes free time activities and summer camps for children and young people with and without disabilities. The workcamp takes place in the lovely town of Nymburk and in a small village of Jizbice (Central Bohemia region). You will do manual tasks during the first part of the project, and you will work with children with autism and other disabilities during the second part. Throughout the workcamp, you will cooperate with Czech assistants – every child will be taken care of by one Czech and one international volunteer. You will learn a lot, since during the first week there will be a study part which will give you the opportunity to attend a lecture on autism and to participate in a workshop on methods on how to work with autistic children and young people. You will also have the chance to learn some basic Czech phrases and to know about the famous Czech authorBohumil Hrabal who was born in Nymburk – you can visit his birth house or see films based on his novels.
19. SDA 209, DISCOVER ORCHARDS & HISTORY, Pravice, RENO ENVI, 01/08/19 - 15/08/19, 18-99, extra fee 20 euro.
This lovely workcamp is implemented in cooperation with the NGO “Pravice Beautifying Association” and with the eco-agricultural cooperative “Ochsen” in the small village of Pravice, in the wine region of South Moravia. The association organizes cultural and community events in the village, such as feasts, film screenings, exhibitions, and repairing historical sites. The aim of the workcamp is to contribute to the renovation of a classicistic building which will serve as a cultural centre. You will also be engaged in the maintenance of local countryside. Although you will find yourself in a very small village (300 inhabitants!) in South Moravia, you will have many opportunities to explore the region, by visiting the historical towns of Znojmo, Mikulov or Brno, local wine cellars or by hiking in the nearby national park and nature protected areas with beautiful sceneries. You can also play table tennis, do BBQ or go swimming!
20. SDA 102, LET S RENOVATE THE FOOD BANK, Zdiby-Premyslen, 29/06/19 - 12/07/19, 18-99.
This workcamp is perfect for young people who are interested in topics of food waste and sustainability and who want to get to know Czech Republic, do something beneficial, meet like-minded people and enjoy summer in a different way. “What food waste has to do with renovation work?” you might be wondering. Well, this project is held in cooperation with the Food Bank of Prague, an initiative which helps to prevent food waste, collects food from retail chains and producers and distributes it to non-profit organizations that take care of people in need and socially disadvantaged people. The aim of this workcamp is actually to renovate the ground-floor of the storehouse so that the food bank has more quality storing space and can help more people. The project is located in Zdiby-Premysleni, a small village about 20 minutes from the outskirts of Prague, which you will have the opportunity to visit during your free time.
21. SDA 400, REVIVE THE VITICE SPRINGS, Vitice, ENVI CONS, 01/07/19 - 14/07/19, 18-99.
The workcamp is suitable for those who want to get to know life in a small village and to help nature. It will be implemented in the small village of Vitice in central Czech Republic, in cooperation with local municipality. In the surroundings of the village, there are multiple abandoned springs that you could bring back to life. You will do some landscaping and small construction works near the springs. Vitice (only 261 inhabitants!) is 45 km away from Prague. In your free time you will have many different options to have a great time, for example by visiting an open-air traditional houses museum in Kourim, the historical town of Kutna Hora, or Prague. You can can also go hiking in the countryside or go swimming in a nearby pond. In the garden of the community centre there is the possibility to do barbecue.
22. SDA 106, SUPPORT LOCAL COMMUNITY IN HLASNICE, Hlasnice, RENO ENVI, 18/08/19 - 01/09/19, 18-99.
The aim of this workcamp is to help with the revitalization of the area around the community centre by making trails accessible to public; and to create space for exchange with local community. You will mainly work manually and outdoors. The project includes an interesting study part, with an excursion to the historical town of Sternberk castle and monastery. There will be at least one meeting with local community, and an international evening with presentations of various cultures and countries. In your free time you will have many options, for instance the opportunity to use the sports equipment in the area of the community centre (football, volleyball, tennis), doing a barbecue party, going swimming, trying horse-riding, visiting the nearby historical towns of Sternberk and Olomouc, go hiking, etc.
23. SDA 107, ROCK SUMMER IN KOZOLUPY, Kozolupy, RENO FEST, 23/08/19 - 02/09/19, 18-99.
The workcamp is located in Kozolupy, a small and active village which in 2017 was awarded the title of “Village of the Year” because of its lively social life. The aim of the workcamp is to help the municipality with the maintenance of a church, the revitalization of orchards and preparations of a rock festival. You will also have the opportunity to experience life in the countryside. At the end of the workcamp there will be a traditional one-day Rock Summer festival on the Mze River where volunteers will mainly help with preparations of the event and with cleaning afterwards. You will not have to work a lot during the event, so you will enjoy yourself during the festival. You will also meet and play with local children at a summer camp; have discussions with local people and the members of the action group; and join an international dinner or barbecue, among other activities. In your free time you will have the opportunity to go on a trip to Pilsen (guided tours, visiting the famous brewery etc.), do hiking trips in the countryside, explore the region, and much more.
24. SDA 407, BACK TO NATURE, Stara Knizeci, ENVI, 25/08/19 - 08/09/19, 18-99.
If you enjoy camping and being outdoors, this project might suit you! The workcamp takes place in an abandoned but exceptionally beautiful, hilly area of the Bohemian Forest. The campsite is totally isolated from civilization (the nearest Czech village is 11 km away) and we welcome volunteers that are fond of trying out a basic lifestyle in the forest and do not mind longer walks.
25. HR-VCZ 7.1, ACTIVE SUMMER FOR KIDS KUTINA 2019, KIDS EDU ART, 10/08/19 - 25/08/19.
In this project volunteers will organize creative workshops for children and young people from the small town of Kutina.
26. HR-VCZ 7.2, UNITED IN ART AND SPORT 2019, KIDS ART, 01/07/19 - 12/07/19, 18-99.
In this project volunteers will create and manage art and sport workshops for children aged 7 - 13 years old. Workshops could include traditional dances, painting, music, acrobatic skills, or handcraft activities. The workcamp will take place in Krizevci, a town in central Croatia.
27. EGY-19-01, HIGH ENERGY RELOADED, Holloko, KIDS EDU, 27/06/19 - 17/07/19, 18-30, extra fee 50 euro.
In High Energy Reloaded we invite 20 international and 15-20 Hungarian, mainly local disadvantaged young people, to the extraordinary village of Holloko, UNESCO world heritage site, in order to live and work together for 20 days. Volunteers will work in the youth clubs located in nearby villages and will organize creative and leisure activities for children. Besides the non-formal education activities, we are also planning to organize an Open Event where we will invite local partners, stakeholders, children, youngsters, parents and the representative of the embassies and cultural centres of the countries of the volunteers to celebrate together the success of the project.
28. EGY-19-04, THE GREAT YONDER, Bedepuszta, MANU FEST CULT, 07/08/19 - 23/08/19, 18-30, extra fee 50 euro.
The local partner is a Dutch-Hungarian organization aiming at creating a cultural space and artist residence while preserving the cultural heritage of the area. Work will include setting up and deconstructing the festival venue and assisting event organizers. Typical tasks would be preparing decoration and creating orientation signs, helping in the kitchen, carrying out gardening and wood-working tasks or welcoming visitors at the info-point. Volunteers will also have a chance to share their own creative ideas and contribute to the programme of the festival. The project will take place in the village of Bedepuszta.