Η ΕΛΙΞ ετοίμασε για εσάς μια λίστα με 9 ανοιξιάτικα προγράμματα εθελοντικής εργασίας στην μακρινή αλλά ονειρεμένη Ιαπωνία.
Τα προγράμματα ξεκινούν από τα τέλη Ιανουαρίου μέχρι και τις αρχές Ιουνίου με πολλά και διαφορετικά θέματα.
Αρκετοί εθελοντές της ΕΛΙΞ έχουν επιλέξει στο παρελθόν την Ιαπωνία και μερικοί από αυτούς έχουν μοιραστεί μαζί μας τις εμπειρίες τους.
Δείτε τα προγράμματα παρακάτω:
1. NICE-16-006 - KURIKOMA - 29/01/16 - 07/02/16 - MANU
This workcamp will take place in a mountainous region full of snow in January. Volunteers will help cleaning the snow and build snow statues with the youth of the area.
2. NICE-16-006 - OZUCHI 2 - 07/02/16 - 20/02/16 - MANU/EDU
Ozuchi is an abandoned village surrounded by mountains. Though no one lives there anymore, there are still some traditional old houses remaining. Volunteers will help preserve these houses and visit local schools to exchange with the local community.
3. NICE-16-016 - KUROGI 2 - 18/02/16 - 08/03/16 - ENVI/AGRI
A camp for nature lovers: volunteers will help making a footpath in a forest park and do other activities such as helping mushroom farm and cutting bushes for the maintenance of the forest.
4. NICE-16-019 - IWAMI-GINZAN 1 - 29/02/16 - 12/03/16 - ENVI/EDU
Volunteers will help the maintenance of Iwami Ginzan silver mine, registered as world heritage: maintenance of the bamboo forest, cutting grasses in the local mountain to conserve biodiversity, preparing the local art event held at Iwami Ginzan, and visiting elementary schools to organize classes for international exchange.
5. NICE-16-022 - IKATA - 02/03/16 - 19/03/16 - AGRI
Volunteers will help orange farming such as harvesting, taking care of trees, cutting grass etc. They will also visit school to organize class for international exchange. Volunteers who speak some Japanese are very welcome!
6. NICE-16-023 - KOSHI - 05/03/16 - 31/03/16 - KIDS/FEST
In a small town in the mountain, volunteers will help organising the international child art festival: site management, decoration and promotion to local kids through visiting the kindergarten and the nursery schools...
7. NICE-16-033 - APPI-KOGEN - 24/03/16 - 30/03/16 - SOCI/KIDS
The area were the volunteers will stay was damaged during an earthquake in 2012, everything is not rebuild yet and many people are still in temporary house. Volunteers will help giving a chance to kids of the area to enjoy outdoors activities during their holidays by giving them ski/snowboard lessons. Ski/snowboard intermediate level required!
8. NICE-16-037 - KUROMATSUNAI 1 - 21/04/16 - 30/04/16 - ENVI
Volunteers will stay in an organic community farm and help taking care of the farm: cutting bamboo and other glasses, digging the soils… They will also help to maintain the nature school : cutting glasses, prepare the camp site… Japanese speakers are welcome!
9. NICE-16-040 - MAKI 1 - 15/06/16 - 26/06/16 - MANU/AGRI
Volunteers will help organic farming: weeding in rice and vegetable fields, planting vegetables, taking care of goats and chicken, and also carry the things from the town, renovate the trails, help the house work… Work can be physically hard. Japanese speakers welcome!