Η ΕΛΙΞ σας προτείνει 17 Ανοιξιάτικα προγράμματα εθελοντικής εργασίας – WorkCamps στην Τουρκία, την Ελλάδα, την Εσθονία, τη Φιλανδία και την Γερμανία.

Τα θέματα αυτών είναι πολλά και διαφορετικά, Φεστιβάλ, κοινωνικά, ανακαίνισης κλπ... ενώ σε 3 από αυτά στην Τουρκία μπορεί μια παρέα έως 4 άτομα να κάνουν όλοι μαζί αίτηση.

- GEN-MV1, Me and my friends 1, 17/04/16 - 30/04/16, RENO/ENVI/CONS/MANU
- GEN-MV2, Me and my friends 2, 01/05/16 - 14/05/16, RENO/ENVI/CONS/MANU
- GEN-MV3, Me and my friends 3, 15/05/16 - 28/05/16, RENO/ENVI/CONS/MANU
For this workcamp you can apply with up to 4 of your friends! In the center "Math Village" in Sirince, you will do different daily tasks during the spring in order to prepare the center for the upcoming season: construction, reconstruction, renovation, landscaping, gardening, class cleaning, kitchen works…


- GEN-TC1, Teach camp 1, 23/04/16 - 08/05/16, SOCI/EDU
Volunteers will assist teachers in organising daily activities to practice English for students from 15 to 17. Volunteers need to be at least 20 and speak very good english! Volunteers will stay in Abana in the North of Turkey, close to the black sea.


- GEN-TC2, Teach camp 2, 30/05/16 - 21/06/16, SOCI/EDU
Volunteers will practice basic English with primary school kids and those with artistic skills can also paint the classroom. The camp is situated in a small village called Kumköy in the North of Turkey near the black sea.


- ELIX01, Neon Chora II Recycling for Good, 20/03/16 - 02/04/16, MANU/SOCI
The workcamp will take place in Athens and the volunteers will work on pieces of furniture and home appliances that need repairs, refinish or refurbish the pieces (eg. chairs, tables, sofa etc.), and prepare broken items and clean them (eg. washing machine, mixers etc.) in order to be functional and equip the houses of families that are threatened by the crisis. Motivation Letter needed!


- EST01, FIRE ARTISTS WORLD CUP 2016, 31/01/16 - 07/02/16, FEST
Volunteers will take part in the organisation of the Fire Artist World Cup festival in Tallinn: preparing the technical side of the event but also communicating with people, so expect anything from decorating the rooms, carrying the necessary equipment to the area to meeting and welcoming guests, showing directions and so on. EXTRA FEE: 100 euros

- ALLI01, Winterwonder, 14/02/16 - 27/02/16, EDU/CULT
Volunteers will help the maintenance of a high school hosting students, students with special needs, refugees or asylum seekers. The work includes as tidying, assisting in the kitchen or library and there will also be organized intercultural activities. There will be a lot of possible activities for free time: ski, skate, sled, sauna… EXTRA FEE: 150 euros

- ALLI02,Easter, 20/03/16 - 02/04/16, CULT
Volunteers will help the maintenance of a high school hosting students, students with special needs, refugees or asylum seekers. They will also be able to attend Finnish lessons, to learn about Easter traditions and to join the preparation of local Easter festivities. EXTRA FEE: 150 euros


- PRO-01-16,Marburg, 19/03/16 - 02/04/16, MANU/LANG
- PRO-02-16,Marburg, 09/04/16 - 23/04/16, MANU/LANG
This camp is open for teenagers from 16! Volunteers will do various manual works to prepare a youth holiday camp for the summer, in parallel they will also have 2 hours of language course everyday. Basic level of German is required! EXTRA FEE: 160 euros


- PRO-11-16,Marburg MARBACH, 29/05/16 - 10/06/16, ENVI/LANG
This camp includes environmental work in the forest such as maintenance of young stands, planting of trees… and it includes language courses of German. Basic level of German is required. EXTRA FEE: 160 euros


Volunteers wil do some renovation and environmental work in a small village in the black forest: renewing paths, renovating a playground, setting up a wooden wall… Volunteers will work mainly with wood, it can be physically hard sometimes!


- IBG02, BURK (BAVARIA), 20/04/16 - 04/05/16, RESTO/FEST
The group of volunteer will help the organisation of the festival "international hiking days": preparing and installing the maypole, various renovation and maintenance work… They will have the opportunity to discover popular traditions and celebrations of Southern Germany. Burk is surrounded by forests and hills, perfect for nature lovers!


Volunteers will help the renovation of the castle of Grimburg: maintenance of the paths, of the herb garden, cleaning work in the castle and in the museum… The castle is quite isolated, volunteers need to enjoy simple life and nature!


Volunteers will help the organisation of the kidoCup, a big sport event for children and teenagers. Volunteers will assist in all phases of the event: before the event they will set up everything, during the will take care of the logistics and after they will clean up the area. Over 300 children are expected!


- IBG05, HOETENSLEBEN (SAXONY-ANHALT), 20/05/16 - 12/06/16, FEST

Volunteers will help the preparation of the celebration for the 1000-year-anniversary of the village of Hoetensleben. The particularity of this village is that it was situated directly on the eastern side of the German-German border when Germany was divided and 400 meters of the former frontier are still standing. Study of German history and excursion and activities with local people will be proposed.

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