Η ΕΛΙΞ για αυτή την εβδομάδα σας προτείνει 11 προγράμματα εθελοντικής εργασίας.
Οι προορισμοί είναι η Ιταλία, η Βρετανία, η Πορτογαλία, η Ελβετία, η Γαλλία και η Γερμανία.
Βρες αυτό που σου ταιριάζει και κάνε την αίτησή σου άμεσα…ο Αύγουστος είναι ακόμη μπροστά.
1. LUNAR 13, VALPOWORKCAMP, ENVI FEST, 18/07/17 - 01/08/17, 18-35, 2 last places due to cancellations
Cooperate with local community in maintaining the local environment and making them discover the beauty of the place where you will be, 20km far from Verona, the town of Romeo and Juliet, not far from Lake Garda!
2. LUNAR25, INCLUSIVE SUMMER, DISA, 19/08/17 - 31/08/17, 21-99
Due to a cancellation, one last place is available in this interesting social project where volunteers will set up a social garden, organize their theme evenings with other local associations, and many other interesting activities in beautiful and artistically rich Civita Castellana, a comune in province of Viterbo, 50 km from Rome.
Μεγάλη Βρετανία
3. CONCUK14-17, MADHURST, FEST, 16/08/17 - 30/08/17, 18-99, extra fee 30 euro.
If you want to gain experience in the events management field, do not miss this unique opportunity! Volunteers will be involved in doing art and design projects for the main carnival parade and main events in West Sussex.
4. CONCUK15-17, MANJUSHRI 3, SOCI, 27/08/17 - 10/09/17, 18-99, extra fee 30 euro.
If you fancy the idea of gaining an insight and experience of living and working in a modern day Buddhist community in Conishead Priory, in the Furness peninsula, this is the project for you!
5. PT-IPJ 10.4, ARCHEOLOGY IN CASTRO S JOPOUNDO DAS ARRIBAS POR, ARCH, 04/09/17 - 15/09/17, 18-30.
This is a project for archaeology lovers where volunteers will make an archaeological survey on site under the guidance of the director of the excavation in the province of Miranda do Douro, in northeastern Portugal.
6. PT-IPJ 11.2, BREAD ROUTE OF XISTO VILLAGES, RENO ENVI CONS, 11/09/17 - 22/09/17, 18-30.
In this workcamp, volunteers will improve the conditions for cultural and ethnographic activities in Talasnal village in Louspound, a town located 30 km from the city of Coimbra.
7. PT-IPJ 11.4, ANOTHER WORLD IS POSSIBLE, ENVI MANU AGRI, 19/09/17 - 30/09/17, 18-30
Volunteers will raise awareness on organic farms, organic food and fair trade; they will develop skills related to agriculture work in organic farms and environment preservation; and will run activities to increase the level of commitment at local level, while being in Amarante, a beautiful town close to Porto.
8. WS17SW03, MOUNTAIN CAMP, KIDS MANU, 30/07/17 - 12/08/17, 20-99
In this program volunteers will cook and help running the daily activities of a language school which gathers a mixture of adolescents from the French and the German part of Switzerland in the Schwarzsee, a lake immerged in a place of outstanding natural beauty.
In this wonderful workcamp, volunteers will help the staff of a pedagogical farm in building outside furniture with recycled material in the town of Ferté Alais, close to Paris, in Essonne region.
10. ICJA07, HEAVENS ROCK SPANGENBERG, KIDS FEST CULT, 24/07/17 - 14/08/17, 18-26
In this beautiful project, participants are invited to work in an artistic park in different fields: manual, artistic, pedagogical, will have contact with kids from diverse background and join their activities.
11. ICJA17, WUKANIA BIESENTHAL, CONS STUD MANU, 11/09/17 - 21/09/17, 18-26
In this interesting project, volunteers will learn about many manual activitis, such as carpentry and gardening in Biesenthal, a place immerged in nature, but close to Berlin.