Η ΕΛΙΞ, εταίρος του προγράμματος "COOP & PLAY", έχει εξασφαλίσει για εσάς και αναζητά 3 άτομα άνω των 18 χρονών που θα συμμετέχουν στο εκπαιδευτικό σεμινάριο που διοργανώνεται 14 με 23 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016 στο Laguépie της Γαλλίας και συγχρηματοδοτείται από το Erasmus+.
Στο σεμινάριο οργανώνεται από την Solidarités Jeunesses και την Citrus και θα συμμετέχουν 24 άτομα από την, Γαλλία, Ισπανία, Ιταλία, Ρουμανία, Τσεχία, Ουγγαρία, Τουρκία, Λετονία και φυσικά την Ελλάδα.
Περισσότερα για το πρόγραμμα:
“Coop & Play” Training Course intends to gather 24 participants from 8 countries (youth workers, leaders, mentors, team managers, people involved in supporting a group) and provide them with the opportunity of learning and experiencing tangible and playful methodologies for raising individual and collective participation in their projects while working on their professional and personal position.
Together participants will think and learn about team building issues (group dynamic, motivation, inclusion...) through creative tools for expression, debate, analysis, decision making and trust building. They will intensely experience the fun and discovery of playful methods for self-learning processes and reinforcement of soft skills (self confidence, acceptance...). Participants will come up with a tool set easily be implementable with their target groups in their community.
This training will be based on cooperative and non formal methods asking for everyone's active participation. The participants will also experience a self and collective exploration playful process, thanks to a transversal body approach, based on clown techniques, which they can later develop in their work.
Working methods will aim at developing trust building, inter-knowledge and dialogue, experience sharing and cooperative reflection.
The team of trainers will be made of 4 people: 3 youth workers / trainers in the field of group leading and non-formal education, 1 artist specialised in personal development, clown and dance.
This training is intended for 24 participants from 8 countries more than 18 years old (each country should provide 3 participants) who:
- lead both new and established youth groups, with a previous experience in group leading or support
- have interest for the topic and are ready to actively take part in the whole duration of the training course, with English as working language
In total there are 8 working days including around 6-8 working hours per day, plus meals and breaks. The Training Course will include free time, that people can use as they want (do sport, reflect on the training, visit around, etc.) Rhythm of the training will be decided with the group, according to the participants needs. One day will be used for a local visit, that participants will set up together.
Make sure you arrive on the 14 of September to start the program together.
If you want to arrive earlier or leave later and you need accommodation contact us before the training, so that we can help you to find a place to stay.
This Training Course takes place in Laguépie, a small village in the region Midi-Pyrénées, 100 km North-East of Toulouse, in the South-West of France. We will work and live in a hosting center located some hundred meters from the train station, on the nice shore of the Aveyron river.
Participants will be accommodated in rooms of 4 people (individual beds with one sheet and pillow.).
Everyone will be involved in daily collective life (cooking, cleaning...). Meals will be prepared everyday with fresh and local products by a team of local volunteers and a cook. All participants will be asked to help in the housework to keep the place tidy, as there is no “cleaning staff”.
Beside main activities, participants will have the opportunity to swim in the river, to hike on surrounding trails, to share about their culture, and visit a local place of their choice.
As a participant in our project, you will be covered by our insurance in case you have an accident during this week in Laguépie, but you should have your own insurance for health (sickness) and liability (δες Ευρωπαϊκή Κάρτα Υγείας).
Participation fees to hosting organisation:
Each participant will be asked 30€ that need to be paid by bank transfer before August 20th.
Οικονομικά Στοιχεία
Το κόστος των μετακινήσεων κάθε συμμετέχοντα στο πρόγραμμα αυτό επιδοτείται μέχρι του ποσού των 275€(*), σύμφωνα με τους όρους και τους κανόνες του Erasmus+. Οι συμμετέχοντες λαμβάνουν την επιδότηση αυτή μετά από την ολοκλήρωση του προγράμματος και αφού έχουν καταθέσει τα απαραίτητα δικαιολογητικά (αποδείξεις, εισιτήρια, boarding pass, κλπ…).
(*: Επεξήγηση: αν λοιπόν το συνολικό κόστος των εισιτηρίων σου, αεροπορικά, μετρό, λεωφορεία, κλπ (όχι ΤΑΞΙ) φτάσει τα 225€ τότε θα λάβεις 225€ άρα θα επιδοτηθεί το 100% του κόστους των μετακινήσεων σου. Αν το συνολικό κόστος φτάσει τα 300€ τότε θα λάβεις το μέγιστο της επιδότησης τα 275€.)
Η διαμονή και η διατροφή των συμμετεχόντων καλύπτεται πλήρως από το πρόγραμμα.
Το ποσό συμμετοχής προς την ΕΛΙΞ είναι 70€.
Για να δηλώσετε συμμετοχή συμπληρώστε στα αγγλικά την παρακάτω φόρμα συμμετοχής μέχρι τις 19/08/2016!