Η ΕΛΙΞ, εταίρος του προγράμματος "Youth Work For Employability", έχει εξασφαλίσει για εσάς και αναζητά 2 άτομα ηλικίας 25 - 30 που θα συμμετέχουν στο εκπαιδευτικό σεμινάριο, το οποίο διοργανώνει η Associazione ICARUS που έχει τον συντονισμό, από τις 21 έως τις 29 Μαΐου 2018 στην πόλη του Termini Imerese της Ιταλίας.

Στο πρόγραμμα, που συγχρηματοδοτείται από το Erasmus+, θα συμμετέχουν στο σύνολο 22 συμμετέχοντες από δέκα χώρες.

Προθεσμία για αιτήσεις: 30 Απριλίου 2018!


Project dates: 21/05/2018 - 29/05/2018.

Associazione ICARUS, with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme, organizes “Youth Work for Employability”, a training course aiming at empowering youth workers and youth leaders with new skills and competencies to reinforce young people’s employability skills. The training course will be held in Termini Imerese, Palermo, Italy, and will gather 22 young people among youth leaders, youth workers and facilitators from ten countries. The training course will empower participants by providing them with competencies to help themselves and young people with whom they work to gain employability skills useful for the labor market and for life.

Planned activities will be based on active participation and non-formal education methods, such as focus groups, brainstorming, simulations, role games with the aim to facilitate group dynamics, learning and sharing of best practices. Participants will contribute to the preparation of new NFE material, methods, approaches, focused on youth empowerment and development of employability skills in young people. This material will be collected during the training course and shared online afterwards.


Objectives of the training course
- Improving cross-competencies of participants, e.g. leadership, prevention, management and resolution of problems and conflicts, teamwork skills, communication, etc;
- experiencing new methods which can be transferred to the target group afterwards or to personal life;
- improving participants’ intercultural competences, by working in an international context;
- enhancing and deepening participants’ knowledge in the use of non-formal approaches and methods to enhance transversal skills for young people's employability;
- improving participants’ skills in designing and implementing learning processes, as well as in developing educational activities through non-formal education, in order to acquire skills for employability;
- increasing awareness of the phenomenon of youth unemployment at European level; mapping the skills needed for increasing the employability of young people; identifying educational processes for intervention;
- strengthening participants’ skills in conducting projects involving young people with fewer opportunities and multicultural groups;erasmus plus logo 2
- sharing good practices among partner organizations and improving the quality of youth work.


This project will involve few participants facing economical and geographical difficulties.


Selection criteria
We are searching for youth leaders, youth workers, educators, facilitators and active volunteers of sending organizations which would like to increase their competences as leaders.


- Should be interested or already involved in dealing with intercultural learning, conducting activities addressed to young people; coordinating groups; working in multicultural contexts; and interested in the use of NF education methodologies.
- Are expected to take an active role during the Training Course. Every participant will conduct activities/games on a selected topic;
- Will contribute to the realization of new NFE material, methods, and approaches focused on youth empowerment and development of employability skills in young people.
- Have to collect information about the phenomenon of youth unemployment in their own countries, in order to share results during the training and shape together a map of competences which young people should improve to enhance self-employability.
- Are expected to act as multipliers once back home and to be able to use the new competences gained at the training course, in youth work at local or international level.
- Should have good knowledge of English


Accommodation and food
The Training Course aims at preparing participants to experience basic living conditions, like the ones that are typical of youth projects.


Participants will be hosted in a big house managed by nuns in the upper district of Termini Imerese, in province of Palermo. The venue is 10 km far from Termini Imerese railway station and it is easy to reach by Palermo Central railway station. Termini Imerese is an industrial town with pretty much everything.


Rooms are for 2 people, bathrooms and showers are shared (in total 5 toilet and 6 showers + extra 3 toilet and 2 showers). Food will be organized by external catering, but there will be the possibility to prepare food in case of international evenings and on other days if participants wish to do so. In any case, participants will be asked to help to clean dishes, rooms, toilets and shower and common spaces, as well as to cook on special occasions.
- Board and lodging will be provided by the hosting organization for the whole period of the Training Course.
- We will have a limited portable internet connect


Travel arrangements
Early arrivals or late departures will be on personal responsibility of participants. Please consider, that your arrival and departure day could be maximum 2 days before or after the activity days.


Υπόλοιπα Οικονομικά Στοιχεία
Το κόστος μετακινήσεων επιστρέφεται στους συμμετέχοντες μετά από την ολοκλήρωση του προγράμματος και αφού έχουν καταθέσει τα απαραίτητα χαρτιά (αποδείξεις, εισιτήρια, boarding pass, κλπ…). Σύμφωνα με τους νέους όρους του προγράμματος Erasmus+ και σύμφωνα με την χιλιομετρική απόσταση το ποσό επιστροφής είναι μέχρι 275 €(*) για κάθε συμμετέχοντα.
*(It means that if you have a budget of 275€ and you spend 275€, you will receive all 275€, and in this case will be the 100% of the travel. Otherwise for example, if you spend 200€ with a budget of 275€, we will reimburse you up to 200€.)


Η διαμονή και η διατροφή των συμμετεχόντων καλύπτονται πλήρως από το πρόγραμμα.


Το ποσό συμμετοχής προς την ΕΛΙΞ είναι 100€.


Για να δηλώσετε συμμετοχή συμπληρώστε στα αγγλικά την παρακάτω φόρμα συμμετοχής μέχρι την Δευτέρα, 30 Απριλίου 2018!

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