Η ΕΛΙΞ, εταίρος του προγράμματος "GENERATION Y: from I to We and Us to Me", έχει εξασφαλίσει για εσάς και αναζητά 4 άτομα ηλικίας 18-25 ετών και έναν αρχηγό, 20-35 χρονών που θα συμμετέχουν στην ανταλλαγή νέων που διοργανώνεται από τις 6 έως τις 15 Οκτωβρίου 2016 στο Fatines, λίγο έξω από το Le Mans της Γαλλίας και συγχρηματοδοτείται από το Erasmus+.
Ο σκοπός της ανταλλαγής είναι η διερεύνηση της “Γενιάς Υ”, των γεννημένων δηλαδή τις δεκαετίες του ‘80 και ‘90 μια γενιάς που γεννήθηκε μέσα στην έντονη τεχνολογική ανάπτυξη, τις αντιθέσεις της σύγχρονης κοινωνίας και τις μεγάλες ιστορικές αλλαγές.
Περισσότερα για το πρόγραμμα:
Τίτλος: GENERATION Y: from I to We and Us to Me
Hosting Organisation: CONCORDIA France
Youth Exchange, Key Action 1: Mobility project for young people and youth workers
FROM Thursday 6th of October 2016 (ARRIVAL DAY)
TO Saturday 15th of October 2016 (DEPARTURE DAY)
VENUE: Fatines (near Le Mans), FRANCE
Born between the early 1980’s to the late 1990’s, Generation Y, also called the “Millennial Generation” is grown up. Being in a constantly changing society while living with the Peter Pan syndrome, the generation is perhaps the most controversial so far. Grown up at the same time as technology, computeering and social media, they are also developing alternative ways of living, communicating and consuming.
Gen Y has been called the worst generation, the generation going no-where, the lazy one, generation frustration, generation too-much and so one. But where does-it come from? Who are they in reality? What do youth from Generation Y actually want, and how do they want to tell it?
People belonging to this generation are actually becoming the most represented work force in Europe. But how can they, at the same time, be the passive generation and the most powerful? As a group, the generation is the generation that broke the silence, the generation willing to find a way in rapidly shifting contexts. But looking closer, it seems that individuals have very diverse challenges, expectations, hopes and fears. So how do they find their own identity in this totally controversial group?
Who are they? How are they communicating? Exploring and creating? Who are they individually, how are they gathering?
This youth exchange has the purpose to explore who, as individuals, compose the Generation Y. Exploring the diversity, the challenges, the values that youth want to highlight and their vision for the future.
To understand the unity and the diversity of the Generation Y, to make youth express themselves and look at each other’s, we will use media and video as tools. It seems that technology and youth nowadays are closely interlinked, and we want to catch this opportunity to raise awareness about our generation. We want Youth to use media as a way of communicating, creating bridges between cultures and generations.
The idea is to use storytelling as a technic to go from personal stories to the story of a generation. To make you speak about yourself, your own stories, memories and understandings.
The Youth Exchange will be organized following 3 main phases: Reflecting, Creating and Demonstrating.
During the Reflection phase, you will think individually and as a group about What is Generation Y?
Where do I personally stand? What do I/we want and what do I/we want to change?
The Creation phase will be the moment when you will have the opportunity to practice: filming, interviewing, telling your stories and so on. You will receive some basics technics in video, interview and storytelling fields that will help you to create a final video product. You will be able to express, through images, your expectations and ambitions for the society you live in.
The Demonstration phase will be the space for you to present to a public the productions that you made: you will have the opportunity to project your short movies in a theater.
We will also have some materials, but as more we have, as best it is. There will be a safe place where it will be possible to keep them during the project
Objectives of the project:
- Define the characteristics of Generation Y
- Help young people to reflect on your own stories, on your position in a group and on the acting power of a generation
- Reflect on the changes youngsters want to see in the society, and the impact you want to have as a group
- Develop media tools which can be used by you, participants, back home in your organizations/communities
- Raise awareness of the public about the specificity of a generation and the need of understanding each other’s
The methodology (non-formal education, storytelling, discussions) and the structure of the exchange will encourage an active involvement of each participant in order to develop competences and new tools for a personal and social development. Non-formal education tools will be used to create a friendly and attentive atmosphere, considering each participant in his or her diversity, personality and culture, so that each person can feel free to express him(her)self, share his or her experiences, teach and learn from the others.
Artistic workshops and basic video tools will permit to the youngsters to discover new ways of expression, encouraging their creativity and ability to create collectively, and to gain in selfconfidence.
Participants will be between 18 and 25 years old (group leaders can be older).
- Who wish to see a change in the society
- Ready to experiment life for 10 days in a collective environment
- Interested in exploring, exchanging and creating on the topic of their generation
- Ready to be fully part of the collective daily life : participate to all the activities, non-formal time, cooking …
Group size: 20 participants (+1 leader from each country and 2 French leaders) from ERASMUS+ PROGRAMME COUNTRIES
Concordia would like to encourage participants to buy travel tickets as soon as possible to enjoy economical prices. Please do not buy travel tickets until your participation has been approved by Concordia. All the travel costs will be reimbursed the earliest 3 months after the end of the training course/youth exchange.
Please note that the process of reimbursement will be carried out directly with the applicant organizations and not with the individual participants. We kindly remind all participants to keep the original tickets.
The accommodation will be in a Group Accommodation Centre, in the village of Fatines. It is situated 15 km from the city of Le Mans, in the countryside. It is surrounded by nature and the accommodation place has a nice garden and a duck pond.
You will be sleeping in dormitories. There are different sizes for the bedrooms: from 2 persons to 6 persons for each.
NOTE: Blankets will be provided in the accommodation, but please bring your own bed sheets and pillow case! You can also take your own sleeping bag.
During the project, there will be a visit of the city of Le Mans, but the rest of the project will be taking place in this group accommodation centre.
The group will manage its own daily life by itself: it means that you will be preparing meals, cooking, cleaning and washing dishes. We will organise the daily life in order for everyone to share the tasks.
The leaders will be here to facilitate the daily life.
There is a full equipped kitchen, with everything needed and a dishes washing machine.
There is no website of this organisation, but you can see some pictures following this link.
The name of the department where the project will take place is “Sarthe”. It is a mostly rural area, and the main city is Le Mans. The project will take place 15 km from the city of Le Mans.
The department of Sarthe is at the north end of the administrative region of Pays-de-la-Loire. It is south of Normandy and on the southern edge of the Armorican Massif.
You will have time to discover the city of Le Mans. It is a beautiful art and historical city; it is the third one of the Pays de la Loire region when it comes to culture and tourism. The old city center is surrounded by Roman walls and the most recent renovation works organized to preserve the oldest parts of Le Mans have helped to enhance its local heritage. Two rivers cross the city which has been named one of France greenest cities. There we can find various parks and gardens, in addition to the two big forests bordering the city.
- Your travel proofs: originals or copies of flight invoices, original boarding passes and train/bus tickets (with price clearly shown).
- Anything which can be used for a video project (photo and/or video camera, tripod, microphone, computer, …)
- Your own towels and toiletries (everything needed for shower and your personal items)
- Traditional food, snacks, drinks from your country for the intercultural night
- Your own Bed Sheets and Pillow Case! And sleeping bag if you want (but blankets will be provided).
- Leaflets, posters, brochures from your organization and your country
- Any personal “talent” you want to share with the group : music instrument, games …
- And for sure please bring with you your smile and inspiration
We will offer you a place to put your valuables, but if they are not essential, please do not bring them.
You are fully responsible for all your belongings.
ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ!!! οι αρχηγοί των αποστολών θα πρέπει να μπορούν να συμμετέχουν και στην προπαρασκευαστική συνάντηση που θα πραγματοποιηθεί στην Γαλλία από τις 17 έως τις 19/9/2016. Ισχύουν και για αυτή την συνάντηση οι οικονομικές παροχές για τα έξοδα μετακινήσεων όπως και στο σύνολο του προγράμματος (δες επόμενη παράγραφο).
Το κόστος των μετακινήσεων κάθε συμμετέχοντα στο πρόγραμμα αυτό επιδοτείται μέχρι του ποσού των 270€(*), σύμφωνα με τους όρους και τους κανόνες του Erasmus+. Οι συμμετέχοντες λαμβάνουν την επιδότηση αυτή μετά από την ολοκλήρωση του προγράμματος και αφού έχουν καταθέσει τα απαραίτητα δικαιολογητικά (αποδείξεις, εισιτήρια, boarding pass, κλπ…).
(*: Επεξήγηση: αν λοιπόν το συνολικό κόστος των εισιτηρίων σου, αεροπορικά, μετρό, λεωφορεία, κλπ (όχι ΤΑΞΙ) φτάσει τα 255€ τότε θα λάβεις 255€ άρα θα επιδοτηθεί το 100% του κόστους των μετακινήσεων σου. Αν το συνολικό κόστος φτάσει τα 300€ τότε θα λάβεις το μέγιστο της επιδότησης τα 270€.)
Η διαμονή και η διατροφή των συμμετεχόντων καλύπτεται πλήρως από το πρόγραμμα.
Το ποσό συμμετοχής προς την ΕΛΙΞ είναι 50€.
Ο κάθε συμμετέχοντας θα πρέπει να έχει ιδιωτική ασφάλιση κατά την διάρκεια της συνάντησης καθώς δεν θα τους καλύπτει κάποιος δημόσιος φορέας κατά την παραμονή τους στην Γαλλία ή να είναι κάτοχος της Ευρωπαϊκής κάρτας Ασφάλισης Ασθενείας.
Για να δηλώσετε συμμετοχή συμπληρώστε στα αγγλικά την παρακάτω φόρμα συμμετοχής μέχρι τις 08/09/2016!