Τα καλοκαιρινά προγράμματα εθελοντικής εργασίας που σας παρουσιάζουμε σήμερα είναι από τα πιο δημοφιλή και θα υλοποιηθούν στην πανέμορφη Ισπανία. Όλα τα προγράμματα θα σας παρέχουν την ευκαιρία να προσφέρετε στην τοπική κοινωνία, να γνωρίσετε την διαφορετικότητα και να βιώσετε μοναδικές εμπειρίες, όπως μια νυχτερινή πεζοπορία κοιτάζοντας τα αστέρια σε ένα μεσαιωνικό χωριό της χώρας.

Θα βρείτε 12 προτάσεις για ενήλικες, όλα σε διαφορετικά μέρη της Ισπανίας:

Τολέδο, Talayuela, Palas de Rei, Celanova, Aldea Alfacuca, Islas Cies, Alameda, Μαδρίτη, Larrabe Auzoa and Murueta.

Διαλέξτε το πρόγραμμα που σας ταιριάζει και ετοιμαστείτε για μια εμπειρία ζωής!

Projects description

The summer volunteer short-work programs in this page will be implemented in Spain. You will find 12 suggestions for workcamps in different parts of Spain!
Choose the program that suits you and get ready for a life experience!

SVIAR03-22 | ONE MORE CHANCE FOR PEACE, 18-30y, 25/07 – 08/08/2022
The intervention consists of recovering a large symbol of peace that was made in the 80 s in the middle of a local hill. This dove of peace can be seen from many points in the town.Within the time the colors have faded to the point that nothing can be seen now. Volunteers will support:

  1. Recomposition the stones that formed the outline of the dove and design update.
  2. Adequate location of each stone 3. Paint the stones 4.Commemoration of the project

The field of volunteering would be divided into three types of activity: Training, recreational and manufacturing workshop. You will be trained in sociocultural and artistic animation techniques, learning of artistic and cultural skills, but also development of the artistic facet, learning how to organize events and activities. Anento is a small village located at the south of Zaragoza. It belongs to the region of Da-roca and it is only 4km far from Teruel.

What you will do and learn: art and heritage conservation practices according to the instructions of technical manager and Directorate General for Culture Heritage and Historic Memory. Removal of vegetal mantle, rubble, and stone restoration works. The workcamp will take place in La Hermida, at PeE arrubia, which is one of the most unknown and nicest municipality of Cantabria, which remains unaltered. It is placed in a mountain area, surrounded by spectacular scenery.

SVICM01-22 | TOLEDO VISIGOTH , 18-30y, 17/07 – 31/07/2022
In this renovation workcamp you will help conditioning, recovery and cleaning in one of the areas of the Visigoth site "Vega Baja" of Toledo. Recovery and maintenance for the conservation of the Visigoth remains, unique, located in an urban environment of the city of Toledo, which require voluntary intervention to put this place back in value. Cleaning, collection of urban waste and dry vegetation to prevent the deterioration of this place; Cleaning of materials from the Visigoth site "Vega Baja" but also encourage and educate the participants the respect and interest to preserve places of historical-cultural interest, valuing the importance of voluntary intervention. 

TALAYUELA, Cáceres, Extremadura
SVIEX02-22 | CIRCUS IN NATURE , 18-30y, 19/08- 30/08/2022
The volunteer camp will combine circus activities in the natural environment. They will develop workshops related to the circus world: Initiation workshops to circus disciplines. There will be workshops and group dynamics to learn and develop the different techniques that belong to the world of the New Circus: juggling, balancing, acrobatics, dance, body expression, stilts, aerial techniques, etc.; Circus techniques will be put into practice and techniques of expression that are used in the circus will be developed: clowning, pantomime, dramatization, percussion, staging, choreography, etc; Also: Environmental activities, complementary workshops.

SVIGA15-22 | XUVENTUDE E CAMINO O PALAS DE REI, 18-30y, 04/07 – 15/07/2022
The volunteers of the Camino in their daily bike tour, will give information about the Camino, stages, support and encouragement. Actions will be undertaken to prepare trails around the route. In the area of the Os Chacotes pilgrims hostel, revitalizing actions and activites for the pilgrims (talks, conversations, workshops,...). In your freetime volunteers will discover the CAMINIO DE SANTIAGO trail and visit Santiago de Compostela and Lugo, traditional music workshop. Hiking trails, visit the Palas-Melide Camino. Swimming pool. Kayak.

SVIGA28-22| DO AUDIOVISUAL GALEGO, 18.30y , 04/07 – 15/07/2022
The workcamp will elaborate different non-fiction pieces that reflect the patrimonial, cultural, artistic and literary wealth of the Celanova Council, involving the Celanova people in this project, through the realization of different interviews and collection of testimonies. The different pieces must meet a series of technical requirements (shots, sequences, angles...) as well as geographical ones (filming locations). Together with the audiovisual team, the participants will go through the three stages of audiovisual creation: pre-production, production and subsequent assembly. At the same time, they must take advantage of the technical means (cameras, sound equipment, tripods, computers, drones...) to film small individual pieces that they will present at the final short film festival, thus ensuring active and participatory learning, in which all the participants approach audiovisual knowledge in a practical and playful way.

Louredo, Mos
SVIGA33-22 | ALDEA ALFACUCA, 18-30y, 26/07 – 06/08/2022
This project aims to revitalize and recover an old village, providing it with community spaces that can be visited by the neighborhood that will sow aspects of their culture and ethnography. Volunteers will: - Design and execute the planting of an Edible Forest / CO2 Sewer Forest. - Assemble a small Nature Classroom in one of the enabled spaces, creation of information panels and selection of samples. Design two activities to develop in the village by schools, etc. - Design and prepare a bio-intensive vegetable garden that will then be taken care of and maintained by the residents and that is for public use. - Create a sensory garden, with specimens of plants and aromatic herbs that stimulate the sense of smell as well as the other senses. - Assemble a small ethnographic museum, through visits to the neighborhood, collecting old objects that may end up in the trash, to museumize a small classroom with objects of rural life. - Create a composter for local use, which will be presented once completed with an explanation of what it is and what it is used for, generating an associative fabric in which everyone can see their efforts rewarded by taking compost periodically.

Cíes Islands, Galicia
SVIGA44-22 | ISLAS CIES III , 18-30y, 01/08 – 12/08/2022
The work will be environmental and will consist of maintenance work on the island, fire surveillance, information work and visitor awareness, and specific interventions to improve the park in collaboration with the environmental service workers. Cleaning of the South Island (the only island not communicated by passenger boat).
Check volunteer experience here!

SVIMD03-22| TRANSFORMING NEIGHBORHOODS , 18-30y, 01/07 – 15/07/2022
This volunteer camp will be held in San Fermin district, in Usera (Madrid).
In a first phase, participants will have a training and research work to learn about the social, cultural, environmental and economic situation of San Fermin neighborhood and its families in vulnerable situations. The second phase of the volunteer camp will focus on social intervention with minors at risk.In this volunteer camp, participants will learn and collaborate in a practical way, in order to develop a leisure and free time program:-Attend a seminar in order to become aware of the social problem that the neighborhood is experiencing, collaborating with the Asociacion vecinal de San Fermin (San Fermin Neighborhood Association). -Participate in meetings and cultural exchange space for volunteers and neighborhood residents. -Collaborate and plan activities targeting minors at risk.-Support and reinforcement in the execution of activities targeting children from 5 to 14 years of age who are at risk and in vulnerability situations. -Develop community animation activities.

SVIMD05-22 | YOUNG PEOPLE WHO CHANGE THE WORLD, 18-30y , 17/07 – 31/07/2022
Young volunteers will participate in social entrepreneurial projects as well as in Impact Hub, one of the largest networks of social entrepreneurs in the world.In this volunteer camp, participants will learn and collaborate in a practical way, in order to develop a value-based work: Based on the Active Maker methodology, volunteers will learn to undertake social or cultural projects in an international context, will identify their most motivating challenges and will link them to larger initiatives such as the 2030 Agenda and its implementation at a local level. They will design their own projects, with implementation capacity for their local settings and also generate good practices in youth volunteering, participation and social entrepreneurship projects regarding project design, execution, monitoring, evaluation and impact measurement.

SVIPV01-22 | RECOVERY OF LA DINAMITA LOADING DOCK, 18-30y, 18/07 – 01/08/2022
The project for the recovery of the La Dinamita loading dock and surroundings is an extensive project that will be carried out in phases, since it is considered that the currently existing facilities of the old La Dinamita loading dock are important as heritage and should be conserved for their historical and educational value. In this first phase, the tasks to carry out are the one-off repair of bank slopes and erosion control (a small practical training course in bingineering will be given); management of the existing vegetation and removal of invasive species; removal of illegal elements and structures and cleaning; and consolidation of some existing buildings and enhancement of the historical heritage.

Βήματα για την συμμετοχή σας

Διαβασε τους όρους συμμετοχης.

Σημείωσε τον κωδικό του προγράμματος που σε ενδιαφέρει (π.χ. ESDA-2120 ή SVIGA14-20)

Άνοιξε την online αίτηση συμμετοχής πατώντας εδώ.

Συμπληρώνοντας την αίτηση, στο πλαίσιο της φόρμας με τίτλο «Projects» και συγκεκριμένα στο πεδίο «*1. CHOICE» βάλε τον κωδικό της πρώτης επιλογής που σημείωσες. Σε συνέχεια, αν σε ενδιαφέρουν και άλλες εναλλακτικές επιλογές, ενώ έχεις κρατήσει τους αντίστοιχους κωδικούς προγραμμάτων, γράψε το σχετικό κωδικό του δευτέρου προγράμματος στο πεδίο «2. CHOICE» ακολουθώντας το κριτήριο της σειράς προτεραιότητας.

Στη Μηχανή Αναζήτησης Workcamps της ΕΛΙΞ μπορείτε να βρείτε και άλλα προγράμματα τόσο στην Ισπανία αλλά και σε άλλες χώρες του κόσμου!!!

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