Τριανταπέντε προτάσεις καλοκαιρινών προγραμμάτων εθελοντισμού διαλέξαμε αυτή την εβδομάδα για εσάς, μερικά και για ηλικίες από 16.

Οι προορισμοί ποικίλουν, στην Ισπανία, την Ιταλία, τη Φιλανδία, την Τσεχία και τη Γερμανία. Σίγουρα θα βρείτε αυτό που σας ταιριάζει!!!

1. SVIGA21-19, CASTRO E ROMERIA DE SAN LOURENZO, Puebla De Broll, ARCH FEST CULT, 04/08/19 - 15/08/19, 18-30.
This workcamp is located in beautiful Galicia. Volunteers will help the local community to clean their Roman hillfort and to organize the parish festival on top of the site. The festival will include storytelling, music, historical reenactment and fun. In free time you will closely know the territory through the tours prepared by the host organization. You will visit sites, palaces, natural attractions, traditional wineries and you will even walk a small part of the famous "Camino de Santiago".

2. SVIGA09-19, DO AUDIOVISUAL GALEGO, Celanova, FEST CULT, 15/07/19- 26/07/19, 18-30.
If you are passionate about video making and media, have a look at this fantastic workcamp where volunteers will learn, through a practical approach, the principles of audiovisual training, ranging from scriptwriting to the bases of interpretation through production, filming, postproduction, etc., for the production of a short documentary or a TV series. Volunteers will have the chance to participate in the audiovisual summer course at the University of Vigo, guided tours to places of cultural interest in and around Celanova, and other cool activities.

3. SVIEX01-19, FESTIVAL DE TEATRO CLASICO DE MERIDA, Merida, FEST, 15/07/19 - 28/07/19, 18-30.
Volunteers will be part of the oldest Festival of Classical Theatre in Spain. They will attend the performances and press conference of the Festival; do some technical work; and rehearse, in order to perform in the choir of a play that will be represented for four days in the Temple of Diana. In the free time they will participate in excursions to different villages of the region, guided tours to archaeological sites, etc. (Read Eva's experience at the same project)

4. SVIGA24-19, VIA XACOBEA: VIA DA PRATA, Boqueixon (Igle), ENVI CULT, 13/07/19 - 24/07/19, 18-30.
Due to the proximity of the celebration of the Xacobeo 2021, we focus our efforts on improving, conditioning and invigorating one of the pilgrimage routes that lead to Compostela, the so-called Camino Real o Via de la Plata. Volunteers will participate in the intervention of patrimonial recovery in the last section of the "Camino Xacobeo" - "Via da Prata" - through 3 phases: investigation, action on the road, dynamization and promotion actions. You will have the opportunity to visit Santiago de Compostela, the beautiful Galician coast called “Costa da Morte”, to participate in gastronomy workshops, to go kayak and to the beach, and do many other exciting activities.

This beautiful project is located in Cantabria, in the North of Spain, and it is perfect for those who are keen on working on cultural heritage conservation, since it will give them the opportunity to work on pieces and furniture of the church of San Cipriano in Solorzano, a nice and peaceful village. During free time volunteers will have the chance to participate in interesting workshops, do climbing, surfing, hiking, go on a full day excursion to beautiful Santander, and other great leisure activities.

6. SVIEX02-19, CIRCO EN LA NATURALEZA, Navalmoral de La Mata, ART, 19/08/19 - 30/08/19, 18-30.
Have you ever attended a circus workshop for beginners? Would you like to give it a try and do physical activity in the middle of nature? If you fancy the idea, have a look at this project!

7. SVIGA19-19, UN RURAL DE CINE, Cerdedo (Casco), SOCI CULT, 31/07/19 - 11/08/19, 18-30.
Through this project you will learn to produce a short film in all its phases, and you will expand your knowledge of the problem of violence against women, while participating in a campaign to fight against it. Indeed, this meaningful project wants to affirm itself as a symbol of breaking silence through the promotion of awareness-raising activities for society, in order to prevent gender-based violence. The activities of the work camp will have 3 phases: preparation of the short film "Curta": elaborating the script, making a budget of expenses, material necessities and meetings with protagonists (neighbors, workers, ...), fixing the schedules of work. Recording "Curta": staging, rehearsals in different spaces, preparation of sound and filming. Editing and promotion of "Curta": digital edition of the short film and its promotion on social networks.

8. SVIGA16-19, ISLAS CIES IV, Vigo, ENVI, ENVI, 17/08/19 - 28/08/19, 18-30.
The project ISLAS CIES is unique in its type: volunteers will have the opportunity to live in an Island in Northwestern Spain, in the area of Galicia. They will do maintenance work in the surroundings of the island; help in fire prevention and in cleaning seaweed. Volunteers will also participate in informative activities for tourists; help physically disabled visitors; and cooperate with the environmental Service of the National Park. In their free time volunteers will have the chance to snorkel and to visit the other islands on a fishing boat.

9. SVINC03-19, BERTIZ NATURAL PARK, Pamplona, ENVI, 16/07/19 - 30/07/19, 18-26.
The workcamp will take place in the Natural Park Senorio de Bertiz. Working in open nature will allow you to enjoy this rural area in the freshness of the Pyrenean valleys. The accommodation will be in a house inside the Park, where you will enjoy the natural environment and the summer entertainment of the streets of Baztan villages during your free time. The place is located between mountains, in a Natural Park, in the Baztan Valley, in the northern area of Navarra adjoining the French border. Nearby there are the beaches of San Sebastian or Biarritz. The work of the young volunteers will be pruning hedges, maintaining trails, painting some fences and removing invasive exotic plants.

Volunteers will preserve landscapes built with dry stone which have been listed intangible heritage of UNESCO on the north face of the national park of Sierra Nevada, in a beautiful mountainous environment.

11. SVICM01-19, TOLEDO CIRCO ROMANO, Toledo, RENO, 04/08/19 - 18/08/19, 18-30.
The project is located in Toledo, a beautiful town in Spain which was declared World Heritage Site by UNESCO for its extensive monumental and cultural heritage. Volunteers will work on the rehabilitation and cleaning of the areas of the Roman circus of Toledo.

12. SVICB01-19, ARCHAEOLOGY AT THE CANTABRIAN SITE OF CAMESA, Mataporquera, ARCH, 01/08/19 - 15/08/19, 18-30.
The workcamp will take place in the town of Valdeolea in Cantabria, a beautiful region in Northern Spain. Volunteers will do a variety of archaeological activities, such as removing vegetal mantle, starting and developing archaeological excavation techniques, learning about georeferencing and field drawing, and drawing archaeological pieces, among others. In their free time volunteers will have the opportunity to do climbing, surfing, walking trails, and a full day excursion to the lovely city of Santander.

13. CPI12, GUARDIAREGIA YOUTH ACTION CAMP, Campobasso, ENVI MANU, 27/07/19 - 05/08/19, 18-30.
Guardiaregia is a small mountain town in the province of Campobasso in Molise region. It is a typical mountain town with few inhabitants in winter, a bit more in summer, that struggles to preserve its identity and traditions. Despite its remarkable natural and cultural heritage, it is not well-known. This first international workcamp is organized together with the newly established cultural association “ARTETECA Molise” that dedicates its activities to the rediscovery and enhancement of the tangible and intangible heritage of Molise. This international workcamp aims to restore some natural area, raise awareness about Guardiaregia’s heritage and encourage cultural exchange with local people.

14. LUNAR 30 RENO SPLASH FESTIVAL, MANU FEST, 28/06/19 - 11/07/19, 18-99.
Join this lovely festival project where you will help staff with the organization of an antiracist festival, by building-up, helping with the dismantlement and running of the festival area, as well as with the promotion of the event in the nearby communities. You will be in Marzabotto, a very interesting place close to Bologna.

15. LEG05, LOVE THE MOUNTAINS IN ALPE DOSSO, Alpe Dosso, ENVI, 07/07/19 - 20/07/19, 18-99.
In this interesting environmental project, located in a place with breathtaking landscapes and lots of pathways that volunteers will be free to visit. Volunteers will learn about biodiversity and its conservation and will do various tasks, such as cleaning pathways and taking care of woods, with the constant help of experienced voluntary people.

16. LEG11, TOGETHER FOR A SAFER COUNTRY, Chiaverano, ENVI, 22/07/19 - 05/08/19, 18-99.
This beautiful project is located in Chiaverano, an ancient medieval village 55 km from Turin, immersed in a naturalistic context of exceptional importance: the largest morainic amphitheater in Europe. If you participate in this workcamp you will enjoy an exciting view of the environment that surrounds Chiaverano and you will be involved in works of restoration and maintenance of the paths and the undergrowth. The project includes a study part where volunteers will reflect on the themes of solidary economy, food supply chain, the importance of recycling and the integration and reception of asylum seekers.

17. LEG16, DISCOVER THE ANCIENT ROOTS OF CALABRIAN POLLINO, San Lorenzo Bellizzi, ENVI, 27/07/19 - 11/08/19, 18-75.
The project is located in a Calabrian village called San Lorenzo Bellizzi, in a territory that is a small treasure, full of beautiful landscapes characterized by canyons created by the Raganello river. Volunteers will participate in many varied tasks related to olive groves recovery, and will participate in seminars on the history of Calabria; rural life, and organic oil production. Furthermore, volunteers will be actively involved in the preparation activities of the annual initiative “Saperi e Sapori”, a traditional fest that connects gastronomic traditions to cultural roots and town heritage.

18. LUNAR 29, SAN SIRO COMMUNITY, FEST, 04/07/19 - 16/07/19, 20-99.
In this interesting projects volunteers will support the implementation of a festival in Milan, an initiative aimed to promote social inclusion and anti-racism. International volunteers will help inhabitants, local volunteers and the association’s partners to implement the event. They will help to ideate, organize and manage the educational activities for young people. Indeed, children and kids of that neighborhood often live in disadvantaged socio-economic conditions and have few opportunities to participate in community activities during the summer period when schools are closed.

19. LUNAR 11, COLLE BERARDINO HARVEST AND TRESHING FEAST, Rocca Sinibalda, AGRI FEST, 08/07/19 - 22/07/19, 18-99, extra fee 20 euro.
The Harvest and Threshing Feasts gives the unique chance to involve international volunteers, the community and farmers to prepare an agricultural festival. Don't miss this opportunity which blends different cultures around rural traditions, ancient seeds, music, workshops and much more! You will be in Rocca Sinibalda, a beautiful village in the province of Rieti and 50 kilometers Northeast of Rome, surrounded by greenery and by an impressive medieval castle.

20. LUNAR 13, HARVEST AND THRESHING FEASTS, Calcariola, Rieti, AGRI FEST, 12/07/19 - 26/07/19, 18-99, extra fee 20 euro.
If you go to this beautiful project you will be part of a farming festival in Tularù, a cultural and agricultural project which works towards sustainable production, and whose main goal is to use the cultural value of traditional production techniques to create participation. According to them, the bread produced in their farm is not “their” bread. It is the bread of the territory, because everyone has been involved in its production. They only use sustainable practices in agriculture and organize events connected to them. If you want to discover more about this experience of sustainability and ecology and you wish to spend quality time surrounded by other cultures, music, workshops, and all other kinds of event, have a look at this project in the centre of Italy!

21. LUNAR 24, A CASA DI ARIANNA - INCLUSIVE SUMMER, Civita Castella, SOCI DISA AGRI, 23/08/19 - 02/09/19, 25-99.
This lovely social project is located in Civita Castellana, a place rich in history and natural beauty, in the centre of Italy. Volunteers will support the work of a social cooperative which helps people with special needs to develop their skills. You will be involved in the maintenance of the house and in the creation of internal murals, as well as in the creation of decorative ceramic elements and in furnishing accessories for the social garden. Furthermore, this project will give you the opportunity to do social work, since you will take care of daily activities in collaboration and contact with the beneficiaries of the house. You will participate in the creation of an alternative communication workshop which will be designed to help people to overcome physical, cultural and language barriers through non-verbal communication. Read the experience of Katerina who participated in this project in 2017!

22. LUNAR 18, BRIANZA HILLS, Alzate Brianza, ENVI, 27/07/19 - 10/08/19, 18-99.
If you participate in this workcamp you will be involved in various activities of environmental work and education and you will live a unique experience in the wood. Besides environmental work, volunteers will also help in the organization of events in Alzate, Lurago and Brenna Pulita, by doing guided tours, welcoming visitors, etc. In your free time, you will have the opportunity to visit the Brianza lakes, the cities of Como, Lecco and Milan, and other places of touristic interest.


23. SDA 109, OLD BREWERY CHRIC. Chric, RENO FEST, 14/08/19 - 25/08/19, 18-99
The workcamp will take place in a 16th century brewery situated in the small village of Chric. The brewery is an educational place focused on history and local handicrafts, as well as a social and cultural centre which organizes various workshops and festivals. You will do renovation and you will learn to use a traditional technique of building dry stone walls. Furthermore, you will also participate in the preparation of the 10th edition of the Kric Festival. If you like manual work, have a look at the pictures of the previous edition of the workcamp and apply!

24. SDA 209, DISCOVER ORCHARDS & HISTORY, Pravice, RENO ENVI, 01/08/19 - 15/08/19, 18-99, extra fee 20 euro.
This lovely workcamp is implemented in cooperation with the NGO “Pravice Beautifying Association” and with the eco-agricultural cooperative “Ochsen” in the small village of Pravice, in the wine region of South Moravia. The association organizes cultural and community events in the village, such as feasts, film screenings, exhibitions, and repairing historical sites. The aim of the workcamp is to contribute to the renovation of a classicistic building which will serve as a cultural centre. You will also be engaged in the maintenance of local countryside. Although you will find yourself in a very small village (300 inhabitants!) in South Moravia, you will have many opportunities to explore the region, by visiting the historical towns of Znojmo, Mikulov or Brno, local wine cellars or by hiking in the nearby national park and nature protected areas with beautiful sceneries. You can also play table tennis, do BBQ or go swimming!

25. SDA 407, BACK TO NATURE, Stara Knizeci, ENVI, 25/08/19 - 08/09/19, 18-99.
If you enjoy camping and being outdoors, this project might suit you! The workcamp takes place in an abandoned but exceptionally beautiful, hilly area of the Bohemian Forest. The campsite is totally isolated from civilization (the nearest Czech village is 11 km away) and we welcome volunteers that are fond of trying out a basic lifestyle in the forest and do not mind longer walks.


26. ALLI07, OLD POWER 2019, Oulainen, CULT, 30/06/19 - 13/07/19, 18-25, extra fee 50 euro.
The aim of the project is to give volunteers the chance to experience Finnish history, nature and culture and enable local young people to meet young adults from other countries.
You will assist with the organization of a local event called “National Old Power Days” which displays historical engines, tools and machinery. There will be about 20.000 people visiting the happening. There will be a lot of work, but also lots of fun with locals and other volunteers. The project is located in Oulainen, a small town, about 100 km south from Oulu.

27. ALLI09, CAMP KUORTANE, Seinäjoki, ENVI CULT, 09/07/19 - 21/07/19, 18-20, extra fee 50 euro.
In this interesting project volunteers will fix up the local village house and museum by painting and decorating. There will also be some organizational tasks, such as preparing and organizing summer events for youth together with local young people. The workcamp will take place in a small town in a very beautiful part of Western Finnish countryside. There are lakes and stunning green nature in this peaceful area.

28. ALLI16, WHV FINLAND, Helsinki, RENO ENVI, 04/08/19- 17/08/19, 18-30, extra fee 50 euro.
Volunteers will do landscaping tasks in two World Heritage sites in Finland. Suomenlinna is one of the most visited destinations in Finland, whereas Old Rauma represents a more tranquil but equally interesting World Heritage site. Volunteers will also assist with managing visitors, and will have a chance to get to know more about the preservation and promotion of a world heritage site. We aim to generate new ideas and actions through cooperation with participants.


29. IBG 26, COMMUNITY GARDEN LEIPZIG, LEIPZIG, ENVI DISA, 18/08/19 - 31/08/19, 18-25.
In this very special project, perfect for lovers of gardening, you will support the creation of a fully accessible educational community garden. You will prepare the ground (cleaning, demolition of huts, cutting bushes and hedges), do earthwork by modelling the garden and improving the quality of the earth, and many other tasks. In addition, you will participate in several workshops on gardening techniques. During the second week a group of pupils from a special school for young people with disabilities will support you in your work. The project is located in beautiful Leipzig, a lively city where many artists live and where you can find plenty of events, clubs and social initiatives.

30. ijgd 19240, ADVENTURE CAMP AND CHILDRENS GAMES, Wismar, KIDS, 29/06/19 - 20/07/19, 18-26, extra fee 50 euro.
If you have a good knowledge of German, an ability to work with children and you are able to ride a bike, have a look at this wonderful project whose first week will be dedicated to the preparation of a press conference and of the holiday games event. Afterwards, during the second and third week, you will be supervising children together with the pedagogical team of employees on-site and you will put your creative ideas into practice. The holiday event takes place in the Hanseatic city of Wismar, on the coast of the Baltic Sea. You will travel to your place of work in Wismar by bike, via a beautiful 2-kilometre-long cycle path along the small river Keppernitz.

31. IBG 34, FOREST DISCOVERY PATH KIRCHARDT, Kirchardt, RENO ENVI MANU, 01/08/19 - 15/08/19, 18-99.
This is an environmental project where you will have the opportunity to enjoy nature and outdoor activities, since it is located in a rural area in Southern Germany where you will help in the renovation of footpaths.

32. ICJA08, HEAVENS ROCK SPANGENBERG, Spangenberg, KIDS FEST ART, 22/07/19 - 12/08/19, 18-26.
Basic knowledge in German language is helpful in this workcamp, because volunteers will be in contact with kids. Participants will be invited to help in manual, artistic and pedagogical activities, and will have the chance to prepare their own artistic, music or athletic workshop and to bring lots of ideas. The little town of Spangenberg is situated between hills in a green countryside in the middle of Germany. Leisure activities will be arranged according to the needs of the group. There will be the possibility to visit Kassel, town of the world-wide-know art exhibition "Documenta".

33. ijgd 79112, GET ACTIVE FOR CLIMATE JUSTICE I, LEIPZIG AREA, ENVI, 27/07/19 - 15/08/19, 16-26, extra fee 50 euro.
If you are interested in nature protection and conservation, this project is for you! At this “climate workcamp” environmental activists can exchange ideas, plan campaigns, and learn new things. You will see how a self-organized project with solar energy, compost toilets and a colorful educational and cultural programme functions. As a participant of this workcamp you will have the opportunity to learn more about environment and climate with numerous workshops and lectures, as well as to develop your practical skills. The project will take place South of the city of Leipzig in the small picturesque village of Pedelwitz.

34. IJGD 19242, LIVING AND WORKING IN THE HEART OF THE FOREST, ENVI, 27/07/19 - 10/08/19, 16-26, extra fee 50 euro.
If you participate in this workcamp in the North of Germany, you will preserve a forest in a beautiful environment, and you will have the opportunity to relax at the beach. Through all this, you will learn a lot about forest protection and protecting rare habitats, in theory and practice. You will also get to know how nature conservation areas can be made accessible to tourism without damaging them, in order to enable people to enjoy nature in an informed and more careful manner. At weekends, you will have the chance to visit the North Sea islands close by (Sylt, Fehr, Amrum).

35. NIG05, PEENEMENDE II, Peenemuende, ENVI, 01/07/19 - 21/07/19, 18-26.
This work camp is for nature lovers, since activities will be mainly outdoors. Volunteers will work in a park, in order to preserve a unique natural reserve in the island of Usedom in the Baltic Sea.

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