Τα καλοκαιρινά προγράμματα εθελοντικής εργασίας που σας παρουσιάζουμε σήμερα είναι από τα πιο δημοφιλή και θα υλοποιηθούν στην πανέμορφη Ισπανία.
Όλα τα προγράμματα θα σας παρέχουν την ευκαιρία να προσφέρετε στην τοπική κοινωνία, να γνωρίσετε την διαφορετικότητα και να βιωσετε μοναδικές εμπειρίες, όπως μια νυχτερινή πεζοπορία κοιτάζοντας τα αστέρια σε ένα μεσαιωνικό χωριό της χωρας.
Θα βρείτε 15 προτάσεις για ενήλικες και 2 για εφήβους, όλα σε διαφορετικά μέρη της Ισπανίας: Γαλικία, Ναβάρα, Εξτρεμαδούρα, Ανδαλουσία, Καστίλλη-Λα Μάντσα, Κανταβρία, Καστίλλη και Λεόν, Χώρα των Βάσκων, Βαλενθιανική Κοινότητα.
Διαλέξτε το πρόγραμμα που σας ταιριάζει και ετοιμαστείτε για μια εμπειρία ζωής!
Για ενήλικες
1) SVIGA14-20, ISLAS CIES II, ENVI, 14/07/20 - 25/07/20, 18-30.
Thanks to this amazing environmental project you will find yourself in a small island, whose surroundings you will preserve. You will also help in the prevention of forest fires, in cleaning seaweed in the South Island, and you will inform visitors and help physically disabled tourists. Read the experience of Eleni, who went to the same project in 2013!
2) SVIGA05-20, OS CAMPOS DO CAMINO – MELIDE, Melide, ARCH, 01/08/20 - 12/08/20, 18-30.
This project will give you the opportunity to support pilgrims who will tackle the famous “Camino de Santiago”: volunteers will give information and will support pilgrims, they will organize dynamic activities in the Furelos river area, such as talks and workshops. In their free time volunteers will discover the “Camino de Santiago”, do an excursion to Santiago de Compostela, participate in traditional music workshops, go hiking, and much more!
3) SVIGA11-20, GLACIAR DO CENZA, ENVI, 19/07/20 - 30/07/20, 18-30.
In this environmental workcamp, you will be in a very special setting, the glacier of Cenza, in the main Galician glacial valley. Here, volunteers will clean glacier hiking trails and create informative material for tourists, among other tasks. Free time will give you the opportunity to participate in bread and traditional cuisine workshops, leather workshops, canoeing, cycling routes, and other interesting activities.
4) SVIGA02-20, LEMBRADO A NOSA PEGADA, ENVI SOCI, 15/07/20 - 26/07/20, 18-30.
This is a lovely project in which you will participate in two different types of activities: on the one hand you will do social work by accompanying and spending time with the elderly living in Outes, on the other hand, you will do environmental work. Free time will be full of exciting experiences, such as water sports, such as kayak, paddleboard, snorkel, a visit to Santiago de Compostela, participating in the Medieval Fair of Noia, and many more!
5) SVINC01-20, BERTIZ NATURAL PARK, ENVI, 31/07/20 - 14/08/20, 18-26.
If you are a nature lover, this is the workcamp for you, because you will be in the middle of a natural park covered by the Atlantic forest. Here, you will do environmental work, such as maintaining trails, painting fences, etc. Bertiz Natural Park is in the mountains. Here you will enjoy nature and you will not be far from the beaches of San Sebastian and Biarritz. Read the experience of Christina, who went to the same project last year!
6) SVIEX01-20, FESTIVAL DE TEATRO CLASICO DE MERIDA, FEST, 12/07/20 - 25/07/20, 18-30.
This amazing project, located in the beautiful city of Merida, will give you the unique opportunity to do rehearsal and perform at the Greco-Latin Theatre Play within the Classical Theater Festival of Merida! You will attend interesting performances and press conferences and discover the region, while improving your Spanish skills.
7) SVIAN02-20, FORTALEZA DE LA MOTA. LA MOTA FORTRESS.2020, Alcala La Real, ARCH, 26/07/20 - 09/08/20, 18-26.
In this beautiful project, located in Andalucia, volunteers will do archaeological activities, such as removal of plants and architectural scattered elements, reintegration of structures, etc., in Alcala La Real, and in particular at La Mota Fortress, the largest, restored fortress in the region. In their free time, volunteers will have the opportunity to visit Jaen, Granada e l’Alhambra, participate in dance and flamenco rhythms workshop, and much more.
Great experience for archaeology students or young people passionate about this field! The main activity will be an archaeological intervention in the area of Marroquíes Bajos where we will learn to excavate with archaeological methods, catalog the extracted elements, draw, photograph and digitalize remains. During free time we will explore the beautiful city of Jaén full in history and museums, we will visit the World Heritage cities Úbeda and Baeza, and carry out activities in nature, such as hiking and environmental classes. There will also be water activities, sports and film clubs.
Καστίλλη-Λα Μάντσα
9) SVICM01-20, TOLEDO VISIGODO, RENO ARCH, 25/07/20 - 08/08/20, 18-30.
In this archaeological workcamp you will recover and maintain the Visigoth remains located in the urban environment of Toledo, in order to put the place back in value. You will discover Toledo, a beautiful city rich in places of historical-artistic interest, being declared a World Heritage Site since 1987 because of its unique and extensive artistic-monumental complex.
10) SVICB02-20, ARQUEOLOGÍA EN EL CASTRO CÁNTABRO EL CINCHO, ARCH, 30/06/20- 14/07/20, 18-30.
Volunteers will do archaeological activities, such as excavations, cover works with soil and geotextile to protect the exhumed remains, at the Monte Cincho, an area rich in archaeological remains, located in the municipality of Santillana del Mar, a beautiful medieval town in Cantabria. Free time will be dedicated to various great activities, such as workshops on Cantabrian cultural heritage, equality, sustainable development goals; climbing, surfing, walking trails, a full day excursion to Santander, and much more!
Volunteers will renovate a hermitage dating back to the first half of the 13th century, by doing manual work, such as stone restoration, vegetal cleaning, rubble removal and cleaning, etc. The location is one of the least known, but most attractive and untouched municipalities of Cantabria. Located 91 km away from Santander, Peñarrubia lays in a mountainous area and is surrounded by a beautiful landscape consisting of limestone rocks and green slopes. As in the previous project, free time will give volunteers the opportunity to participate in many varied activities, such as workshops on Cantabrian cultural heritage, equality, sustainable development goals; climbing, surfing, walking trails, a full day excursion to Santander, etc.
Καστίλλη και Λεόν
In this project, located in a beautiful village 66 km north of Madrid, volunteers will help to enhance local heritage and its awareness, because they will restore paths and roads that lead to the medieval village of Relaños. This will encourage neighbors and visitors to travel through those paths, and will promote healthy habits such as sports, to improve health and social relationships. The project includes very interesting activities, such as looking at the stars under the guide of astronomy professionals during a night hiking route, doing a hiking route that will end in natural pools, where participants can swim and enjoy the wonderful nature of the high Lozoya valley, and much more.
13) SVIMD02-20, THE PAPER TRAIL II, ARCH, 19/07/20 - 01/08/20, 18-30.
In this interesting project, volunteers will do archaeological work, for instance clearing and removal of existing vegetation, developing an accurate stratigraphic documentation of the deposition levels, in an area located 98 km away from Madrid. Various leisure activities will be done during free time, including a visit to the beautiful town of Segovia.
Χώρα των Βάσκων
The aim of the workcamp is to recover and enhance several small-scale elements of local architectural heritage around Santa María del Yermo Sanctuary. Through this work volunteers will benefit local society and will get to know locals.
15) SVIPV03-20, LEMOATX 1937, RENO ARCH, 12/07/20 - 26/07/20, 18-26.
One of the project objectives is to recover historic memory by carrying out excavation works and research, following the footprints of the 1937 Civil War. The workcamp is located on Mount San Antolín-Lemoatx: given the privileged location of the leisure and recreation area, you can enjoy wide, panoramic views across Bizkaia.
16) ESDA-1320, DREAMY DRAWINGS, La Nucia, Alicante, TEEN (teenage_camp), SOCI ART, 03/08/20 - 14/08/20, 15-17, extra fee 250 euro.
In this lovely project, volunteers will create murals inspired by the answers received while interviewing local elderly people regarding their lives, passions and special life lessons. This is a unique workcamp which favours intergenerational and intercultural dialogue, in La Nucia, a beautiful village located on the coast of Alicante. The last day of the project volunteers will have the opportunity to explore Alicante and participate in cultural activities under the supervision of an adult volunteer.
17) ESDA-2120, DESERT KING OF BUNUEL, Bunuel, Navarra, TEEN (teenage_camp), KIDS MANU, 31/07/20 - 14/08/20, 15-17, extra fee 250 euro.
If you participate in this workcamp you will help the local community in two ways: by restoring old paths, cleaning parks, painting walls, helping in local events of the municipality, but also by organizing activities and games in English for local kids at the swimming pool. You will be in Navarra, northern Spain, where you will be able to enjoy a green and mountainous landscape.
Διαδικασία συμμετοχής
- Σημείωσε τον κωδικό του προγράμματος που σε ενδιαφέρει (π.χ. ESDA-2120 ή SVIGA14-20)
- Άνοιξε την αίτηση συμμετοχής πατώντας εδώ.
- Συμπληρώνοντας την αίτηση, στο πλαίσιο της φόρμας με τίτλο «Projects» και συγκεκριμένα στο πεδίο «*1. CHOICE» βάλε τον κωδικό της πρώτης επιλογής που σημείωσες. Σε συνέχεια, αν σε ενδιαφέρουν και άλλες εναλλακτικές επιλογές, ενώ έχεις κρατήσει τους αντίστοιχους κωδικούς προγραμμάτων, γράψε το σχετικό κωδικό του δευτέρου προγράμματος στο πεδίο «2. CHOICE» ακολουθώντας το κριτήριο της σειράς προτεραιότητας.